Home » today » Business » Haimbacher SV donates 2,000 euros to the Thomas Engel Foundation for children in need

Haimbacher SV donates 2,000 euros to the Thomas Engel Foundation for children in need


From left: Jörg Wettels (CEO HSV), Michael Stapf-Krick (CFO HSV), Edgar Engel (Head of Marketing HSV), Klaus von Rhein (Treasurer Friends of the Thomas Engel Foundation Fulda) and Ernst Engel (Chairman of the Foundation). Photo: association.

Fulda (oz/jk) – Haimbacher SV is pleased to be able to present the non-profit Thomas Engel Foundation with a check for 2,000 euros. The association and foundation have maintained a close cooperation for many years. The donation primarily supports needy children in poor countries.



From left: Jörg Wettels (CEO HSV), Michael Stapf-Krick (CFO HSV), Edgar Engel (Head of Marketing HSV), Klaus von Rhein (Treasurer Friends of the Thomas Engel Foundation Fulda) and Ernst Engel (Chairman of the Foundation). Photo: association.

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The current donation was made possible on the one hand by the proceeds from the Christmas tree sale in December and on the other hand by the 25th Autohaus Scheller Cup at Pentecost last year. At this junior tournament under the motto “Children play for social children’s projects”, several sponsors donated one euro each for the foundation and HSV for every goal scored. The new edition of the junior Whitsun tournament will take place on May 28th and 29th with more than 50 teams.

Under the motto “United help for children”, the Thomas Engel Foundation supports particularly needy children, primarily in poor countries, without deduction of administrative costs, in order to make them content, viable and responsible people. However, the Thomas Engel Foundation does not distribute alms, but provides sustainable help for self-help. Aid projects are currently being carried out in eSwatini (formerly Swaziland), Tanzania and Ecuador is informed in detail.

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