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Gueltas. Beyond the ponds and the forest of Branguily

Gueltas (Morbihan) takes its name from Saint Gildas in Breton. According to local tradition, he would have come several times to these places to relax in the Branguily forest. With its ponds and peat bogs, this forest constitutes a formidable reservoir of natural resources. The site has been designed to combine preservation of nature, reception and awareness of visitors.

Departure in the forest

The first part of the route is in the forest, from the D125, between Gueltas and Saint-Gérand. This forest belonged to the Rohan stronghold of the XIIIe century until 1802. It is a vestige of the ancient and legendary Brécilien forest (Brocéliande). It extends over a massive 450 hectares. The local legend of the golden calf says that a hidden treasure remains to be discovered. This forest of oak and pine groves is also the domain of deer and wild boar. The seasoned walker can find several varieties of remarkable plants, some of which are protected, such as the littorelle, the pululaire or the swimming flute.

Towards the ponds

The walk continues near the Château pond and runs along the Dame Noire pond. Fishing is allowed: pike, perch and tench delight fishermen. The Branguily ponds include 22 hectares of wetlands. They were built along the talweg (lowest points in a valley) which feeds the La Belle Chère stream. It is a privileged place to observe, according to the seasons, odonata (dragonflies), lepidoptera (butterflies), beetles, amphibians and reptiles, gray herons, teals …

Further on, to the north of the Grèbes pond, an observatory offers walkers the ideal point of view to admire the ballet of many species of birds such as great crested grebes, coots, coots, which have taken up residence in these auspicious places.

Return by the other side

Failing to come across a few korrigans, the attentive visitor will be consoled by also identifying other more common birds such as thrushes, squirrels, warblers, chickadees …

After this instructive walk of 6 km, it is time to return along the other side to reach the starting point.

Intelligence : Pontivy community tourist office: www.tourisme-pontivycommunaute.com or 02 97 25 04 10.

Section produced with Morbihan Tourism.

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