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Green pass Italy, vaccination obligation and third dose: what will change

Extended Italy green pass, vaccination obligation and third dose to exit the covid emergency. This is the orientation of the government, as announced by Prime Minister Mario Draghi at a press conference after the CDM, while the school is preparing to restart in attendance. Are we moving towards compulsory vaccination and towards the third dose of vaccine? “Yes to both questions”, replied the premier also announcing that the Green pass will be extended. “Minister Speranza and I have been talking about it for some time. The orientation is ‘yes’, it will be extended. To decide exactly what are the steps to be taken and the sectors that should have it first, we will do a control room as requested. by Senator Salvini. The direction is that “.

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And after expressing “solidarity with those who are the object of hatred by the no vax. It is hateful and cowardly violence against people on the front line against the pandemic and against those who provide information”, he reiterated “the invitation to vaccinate “which” is an act towards oneself, it is an act of solidarity and protection towards others. I have used more incisive phrases in the past, I reiterate the need to do so “.

“The vaccination obligation” against Covid-19 “in our country is already provided for by a primary standard with regard to health personnel, so in reality it is already applied to a piece of our society. It is a possibility that potentially remains available of the institutions, of the Government, of Parliament “, said Health Minister Roberto Speranza for his part.

What the experts think

However, experts are divided on the obligation to vaccinate. If Matteo Bassetti as well as Fabrizio Pregliasco and Massimo Galli agree with the premier, Andrea Crisanti expresses doubts. “I agree with the choice of Prime Minister Draghi and the Government to start with the third dose of” anti-Covid “vaccines and on the obligation to vaccinate” as a possible prospect. “The latter is a strong choice, but it shows that Draghi is the right person, in the right place and at the right time. Above all, he made it clear to those who have not yet understood that we can get out of the pandemic with vaccines. a great premier, I am with him in this battle, “he told Adnkronos Salute Matteo Bassetti, director of the infectious diseases department at the San Martino hospital in Genoa.

“The epidemiological situation and the characteristics of the anti-Covid vaccine lead us to have to imagine a third dose and the possibility of the obligation”, then the indication of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, “there is, I’m happy and I agree”, the virologist tells Adnkronos Salute Fabrizio Pregliasco, lecturer at the State University of Milan. In particular, “the obligation – added Pregliasco – is necessary because it is a convenience, an opportunity, given the demonstrated efficacy and the low rate of adverse events that vaccines are demonstrating. It is useful for the National Health Service. , for the reduction of the impact on hospitals, for the possibility of treating other pathologies that did not go on vacation and, above all, to revive the economy “.

“It is a logical conclusion regarding a series of considerations that can be made today: the epidemic is continuing; the vaccination campaign in recent days has slowed down sharply, and the WHO has also called us back as the EU. So the Government , rightly, he came to the conclusion that in order to boost vaccinations, one must resort to the obligation “, comments Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) and head of Infectious Diseases at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome: “There is a need to quickly start the third dose – he observes – This is also a valid solution, also in relation to to the data emerging from countries that have already left “.

“If Draghi has the possibility and the ability to impose the vaccination obligation against Covid it will rise further in my esteem. We do not enjoy imposing the obligation, but in the face of a situation that sees us constantly engaged in the fight against the virus it becomes an element that is difficult to avoid “. So at Adnkronos Salute Massimo Galli, Professor of Infectious Diseases at the State University and primary at the Sacco of Milan.

Some doubts are expressed by Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua. The announcement by Prime Minister Mario Draghi that Italy could move towards compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 “leaves me with many reservations. From Israel, data arrives that indicate that the effectiveness of vaccines is reduced to 70%. Al I’m worried about this at the moment. ” “This announcement is political – remarked the virologist – Vaccines work and have an indisputable cost-benefit ratio, but I would not want this choice of obligation to prove to be a boomerang for the no vaxes who can say that with the data coming from Israel. vaccines do not work and therefore refuse the obligation “.

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