Home » today » News » Graz Teenagers Face Trial for Attempted Murder After Running Over Landlady

Graz Teenagers Face Trial for Attempted Murder After Running Over Landlady

Published on December 13, 2023, 12:15 / ©5 minutes

The two Graz teenagers, 16 and 17 years old, will stand trial in the Graz court for attempted murder. The two fled from a bar without paying and ran over the landlady as they fled.

by Sabrina Tischler

1 minute reading time (167 words)

The crime happened in August 2023: The two young people from Graz, 16 and 17 years old, were eating in a restaurant in Linz, Upper Austria. As they fled, they ran over the bar’s landlady in a white SUV and simply left her there. The recordings from a surveillance camera led the investigators to Styria. The car belonged to the 16-year-old’s mother.

Refuged to Croatia

An EU-wide arrest warrant was issued against the teen couple. A few days later, the two were finally found in Croatia. At the end of August, pre-trial detention was imposed on the young people – 5 minutes reported. The two will soon go to court. You face up to ten years in prison.

Charge stands

As the “Krone” reported today, an indictment is imminent. The indictment is basically finished, but not yet legally binding. There is no fixed trial date yet. It is the presumption of innocence.

2023-12-14 00:06:58
#Landlady #run #Graz #teenagers #court

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