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Gossip show hosts are more prone to divorce jokes

They are also more likely to have their husbands lowered by their comadres

Marital scenario.- The hosts of gossip programs would be more prone to divorce than the rest of the population, according to a study on Relationships, Fetishes and Neighbors.

For the study, 50 show hosts were analyzed, of which only 2 have never been divorced, while 27 have been divorced once, and 21 have been separated on at least 2 occasions.

Giving gossip strengthens relationships with your partner

Thus, it is concluded that the divorce rate among this segment of the population is 4 times higher than among trailer drivers and up to 6 times higher than couples who work together in a tortilla shop.

“Being the host of an entertainment program is a guarantee that you will end up divorced,” says the study that also analyzed the love lives of those who work in spas.

Statistics also show that no matter how long a famous couple is married, one day they will end up divorced, so they close with advice that these personalities should not even get married to avoid the lawyer’s expense at the time of the express divorce. .

To close, the study in question mentions that there is a direct relationship between gossiping and ending up divorced, regardless of whether you host a program or not.

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