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Gorka suffers a scorpion sting in ‘Survivors’ and must be treated in the emergency room

‘Survivors’ is recognized as one of the most demanding reality shows on television. In this program, contestants face a series of challenges that include everything from adverse weather conditions and food shortages, to grueling weekly tests and forced coexistence.

Dealing with the presence of various animals and insects that inhabit the natural beaches of Honduras adds an additional level of difficulty to your survival experience. This has happened to Gorka, who had to be urgently evacuated due to a serious accident.

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According to the Telecinco program ‘Socialité’, the 29-year-old Basque young man was stung by a scorpion while he was on the island. The bite was on the hand, requiring urgent medical attention from the program’s medical team.

The images of their evacuation are shocking, and it is claimed that they will be shown in the debate tonight. However, according to what was reported by the program team, Gorka’s health is not in danger.

What happens if you get stung by a scorpion?

A scorpion sting, although painful, rarely becomes life-threatening. These incidents usually occur when the animal is accidentally stepped on or brushed against some part of the body.

Common symptoms include severe pain, mild swelling, and a pronounced sensation of heat. These could trigger shortness of breath, sweating, twitching, nausea and even tachycardia. Fortunately, Gorka is being cared for and receiving proper care.

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