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Gommers about disappointing figures: ‘It is due to our behavior’

That is the largest increase since April 7. A total of 841 people with corona are now lying on ICs, reports the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS). In the past 24 hours, the RIVM reported 8,079 infections.

We have to hold on

According to Diederik Gommers, leader of the intensive care association, it is mainly due to our behavior that the figures are so high and the pressure on the ICs is still not dropping.

“Just look at how we comply with the measures, such as the curfew and the visiting rule,” says the IC doctor. “With the finish in sight, we have to hold on. We really have to be sharper in the race.”

Burn letter

A group of intensivists from Brabant hospitals has this morning sent an urgent letter about the situations on the ic’s. The doctors warn that “the Dutch population does not seem to realize how close we are currently to the moment when our IC capacity is reached.”

The number of corona patients on the ICs has shown considerable fluctuations in recent days. On Friday and Saturday, the number continued to decline, while the largest increase since April 8 was reported on Thursday. And today the number of IC patients is also rising again.


The contamination figures are also still high, Gommers also sees. “It was said that the figures are on a plateau. But that is disappointing,” he observes.

The IC doctor states that the number of digits should now really start to decrease. “Class 3 care is already being postponed in hospitals. Think of heart operations and care for cancer patients. That cannot last indefinitely.”

‘We have to hold on’

From Wednesday there will be several facilitation measures. For example, the terraces may open again until 6 p.m. and the curfew goes off after three months.

Shouldn’t those easing be stopped now that the numbers are still so high? Gommers repeats: “We have to be sharper in the game.” According to him, the relaxation creates an atmosphere that we can let go of our behavior. And that’s where things go wrong, according to him.

Another month

With the opening of the terrace it seems like things are going in the right direction, but according to Gommers we need another month. “Then more people will be vaccinated. We really need that month. We all have to keep going now.”

Gommers appreciates the signal from the catering entrepreneur in Nijmegen who has decided not to use the terrace open because of the high contamination levels. “That’s the right signal.”

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