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global desinification? America wants more! | Blog post

“Chimerica” ​​was the word of the year for the 2008 financial tsunami. Today China and the United States have become the toughest competitors. This year’s new creative vocabulary is Chexit, and there’s another one called ABC.

After US President Biden got his hands on the Chinese, there have been countless events and he ultimately wants the world to isolate China.  AP image
After US President Biden got his hands on the Chinese, there have been countless events and he ultimately wants the world to isolate China. AP image

The United States has achieved unprecedented success in promoting globalization. Over the past 20 years, China has been the best partner. Western critics believe that China can be included in the international order, in the democratic and free system of the United States and the West ever since. It is also wishful thinking. After the Beijing Olympics, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father, said on an American TV program that China is not Russia and would not aspire to be a Western club VIP. China smiled and thanked the United States for the secret of Western success that the United States proactively and courteously proposed. That’s all, what China has been trying to do is inherit the modernization created by the 5,000-year-old Chinese cultural foundation under its own national conditions, which is the “Chinese-style modernization” proposed today by Xi Jinping.

What’s wrong with that? Very problematic! Freeman, a critic who denounced globalization more than 20 years ago, criticized China today in the New York Times entitled “How China lost America”. Decoupling does not refer to the decoupling of the United States from China, but to encourage the world to decouple from China.

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