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Giorgia Meloni confronts Giuseppe Conte in Parliament: A heated exchange ahead of the EU Council

Giorgia Meloni stings Giuseppe Conte in his statements in the Chamber ahead of the EU Council. Recalling the former Prime Minister’s famous outburst with the then German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister claims that it was “the lowest point of credibility that I have seen from an Italian government abroad”. “The M5S says that this government has brought Italy to the lowest point of credibility. The Italians will judge this, but I can say that you will never see me, as long as I govern this nation, chasing one of my equals in the bar during the works of the European Council, to reassure him that the members of my majority are joking, because they have to say something to their public but that in the end what the others want will be done.” “You will never see me represent Italy like this, whatever the cost”, she states in her reply to the Chamber.

Maloni also took Conte head-on on the minimum wage, which “we will deal with in the next few days”. “A colleague of the M5S – he states – said that it is the most important thing to do for Italian workers. Conte will intervene in the explanation of vote and I hope he will explain why in three years in government the minimum wage has not decided to do so. You have to explain it not so much to me, as to the workers that you bring to the streets today and who I believe are more intelligent than you make them”, said the Prime Minister.

Another dig at the superbonus, “The VAT cut on early childhood products was not renewed because it didn’t work. You see, when something isn’t going well it’s not renewed, it’s cut, which is what you should have done with the superbonus, instead of dumping 100 billion on Italians when you had expected 30”, says Meloni.

Conte’s reply

The five-star leader’s reply is ready. “She asked me about the minimum wage because when we were in government we didn’t do it. The difference between us and her is this: we have been fighting for 10 years to approve it and we don’t have the numbers while for 15 years she has always fought not to approve it. He has never paid attention to underpaid young people and underpaid women,” Conte said.

Then he adds: “President Meloni has now locked herself in her propaganda room and can no longer even open the window to see what is happening outside in the lives of Italians” and “in such a difficult moment, choose cuts and not investments, for workers not even a euro more, cut healthcare investments compared to GDP (yes, because healthcare spending, President Meloni, is measured like this). Penalize and hinder those who have worked all their lives and were about to retire. But look at the mirror, you have criticized her a lot but today on these benches I don’t see Meloni sitting, I see Fornero sitting”.

“From the draft maneuvers, and you confirmed this to us in the replies with great arrogance, we learn the latest betrayal of the citizens: chase the Italians with new taxes even on the cot, increase the VAT on diapers, on baby products. .. with the inflation that is running. She is even rewriting her motto, her new motto is ‘I am a woman, I am a mother and therefore I pay more taxes’. You are the government of taxes, from Fratelli d’Italia to Fratelli d’Imposta”, comments the 5S leader.

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2023-10-25 18:40:00

#MeloniConte #Chamber

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