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Gicam-Ecam: the uncertainties weighing on the merger

Insufficient votes, legal proceedings, war of opponents…the constitutive general assembly of the new central planned for today is being held in a turbulent context.

This December 14, 2023 is an important step in the merger process of the Groupement Inter-patronal du Cameroun (Gicam) and Entreprises du Cameroun (Ecam). After validation of the merger treaty by the general meetings of the two organizations, the name of the new entity as well as its statutes will be revealed and adopted today. Gicam members were invited to take part in this meeting which is being held not without controversy.

There is still legal doubt over this process. Because the vote expressed at the end of the extraordinary general meeting of July 11 is called into question. 241 members voted for the merger with Ecam and 86 voted against. That’s a rate of 73.7% for favorable opinions. However, this figure would be insufficient in view of the Gicam texts, maintains the committee of wise men. This committee, which had been suspicious of the proposed merger, convened article 17 paragraph 3 of the statutes of the employers’ organization. This article, according to Richard Howe, the chairman of the Committee of Wise Men, provides that in the event “ dissenting opinion from the wise committee, after having been contacted by the president of Gicam regarding a modification of the statutes, the board of directors may submit the modification concerned to the vote of the extraordinary general meeting. And in this case, a three-quarters majority (75%) is required to have such a modification adopted. “. And since this exit from the committee of wise men several months ago, the Gicam executive has not removed the doubt on this question.

The merger process is continuing its course but also remains faced with the specter of a legal decision. Several proceedings are pending before the courts of Douala, initiated by Emmanuel Wafo, the president of the Economy and Business Development Commission of Gicam. Very present on the public scene since the start of this affair, Emmanuel Wafo, the leading figure of the opposition to the merger treaty, is not backing down. In a recent interview given to Investiraucameroun, the businessman reiterates his commitment to maintaining the Gicam label. “ LThe draft statutes do not concern Gicam or its members. Like you, we observe that steps are being taken despite all the warnings. (…) We are continuing discussions with members to raise their awareness. Gicam has built its credibility and attractiveness on the values ​​of unwavering attachment to the public authorities in place, respect for its members and respect for elders. Membership of Gicam has never excluded professional differences. The proponents of the merger have been trying, from the start, to caricature and exacerbate status differences with the clear intention of fueling denunciation and conflict, to the detriment of dialogue and conciliation. Moreover, we have the deep conviction that Gicam will live, and that the current upheavals will be overcome ».

While the Gicam executive displays serenity, there is also on the other side of the opposition, a committee supporting the rebuilding of Cameroonian employers, the movement led by Jacques Jonathan Nyemb. This camp acts discreetly by trying to bring as many members as possible around the debates on the rebuilding of Cameroonian employers. All these forces could give another twist to this AG which is the penultimate step before the merger itself. The last being the elective AGM of the new employer entity scheduled for March 2024 at the latest.

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