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Get up faster? 5 tips that will help you anyway

1. Sleep with curtains open

We all want blackout curtains to keep the bedroom dark. But that makes it harder to wake up in the morning. It’s best to wake up with natural light!

You have special lamps for this that you can set so that the light comes on gradually in your bedroom, in order to wake up as naturally as possible.

2. Place your alarm on the other side of the room

You’ve probably read this tip before and that’s because it works. You have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm. If necessary, put it in the bathroom – if you can still hear it – so that you can jump in the shower immediately.

You better start your day than go back to bed, only to be woken up again by that annoying alarm clock.

3. Baby steps

Do you want to get up an hour earlier than usual? Don’t do this all at once. Really do this in gradual steps. For example, set your alarm a minute earlier every day. This way you wake up earlier and you can keep it up better. Moreover, you give your body the chance to get used to it. If you suddenly get up an hour earlier, it is almost impossible to sustain.

4. Learn a new habit

The same is true for learning a new habit. Do you want to get into a new habit by meditating first every morning, reading the newspaper or taking a walk? Or do you just want to stop pruning? Then do this consistently for more than 10 days in a row.

It takes about a month to as much as three months to get into a new habit. So just hang on!

5. Write down why you want this

Why are you reading this article? Do you have trouble getting up and would you also like to get out of bed earlier? Why do you want that? Is it because you are always late? Or because you always have to rush in the morning? Think this up for yourself and write it down.

This can be in your notes on your phone or write it on a piece of paper and hang it above your bed. If you can’t get up for a while, think again why you wanted this again. Because you have written it down, you will forget it less quickly. You can of course also read it back if you want to press that snooze button at a weak moment.


Headerfoto: Kinga Cichewicz via Unsplash

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