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Get off our land, occupiers.. Palestinian prisoner Ahed Tamimi breathes the air of freedom – Youm7

Written by Ahmed Juma

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 03:33 PM

The list of Palestinian female prisoners liberated from Israeli occupation prisons on Wednesday includes: Palestinian prisoner Ahed Tamimi One of the most prominent Palestinian girls standing up to the occupation in the West Bank, Ahed became famous for confronting Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, and attacking the occupiers by repeating the phrases, “Get off our land, occupiers.”

Since her childhood, Ahed Tamimi was famous for her courage and ability to confront the Israeli occupation. Ahed did not back down for a moment from demonstrating against the occupation, and she would stand steadfast with her eyes in their eyes, confronting them with the fact that Palestine is an occupied land. The occupation arrested Ahed Tamimi several times from her home in the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank. On a fabricated charge accusing her of inciting terrorism and committing violence.

He was known as Muhammad Tamimi, or known in the media as “Ahed TamimiShe was born on January 31, 2001, in the village of Nabi Saleh. She was famous since her childhood for defying the Israeli occupation army, who attacked her and her mother, activist Nariman Tamimi, in a peaceful anti-settlement march in August 2012.

On December 19, 2017, when Ahed turned 16, she topped the news pages for confronting Israeli occupation soldiers and slapping two armed soldiers, which led to her arrest while she was still a high school student at Al-Bireh Secondary School for Girls.

Ahed was keen to participate in the weekly march every Friday in the village of Nabi Saleh, raising the slogan “Get out of our land…this land is not yours.” She hoped to study law to become a lawyer so that she could defend her homeland..

In July 2018, Ahed Tamimi praised the major role played by Egypt in achieving reconciliation between the Fatah and Hamas movements, expressing her desire for Egyptian efforts to succeed in ending the division so that the Palestinian people can devote themselves to their main project of liberating Palestine.

Ahed Tamimi stressed at the time, in exclusive statements to “Youm7,” the need for Palestinian leaders to develop a model plan to liberate the Palestinian territories, calling for attention to the issues of prisoners and working to liberate them, adding, “If the leaderships do not unite, the Palestinian people will search for alternative leaders.”

Ahed Tamimi said in a message to the Israeli occupation: “There is no permanent occupation, and every country that had occupation has ended and Palestine will be liberated. We will not surrender and we will liberate the Palestinian lands.”

Ahed Tamimi confirmed that the support of the Arab peoples and the free people of the world for her greatly raises her morale, explaining that her father and her lawyer had conveyed to her the messages of support that rose in the countries of the world in support of her freedom, calling on the Arab countries and the free people of the world to support the rights of the Palestinian people in any way, even if it was simple, expressing her hope. That the Arab peoples live in security, peace and stability, and that the Palestinian territories are completely liberated.

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2023-11-29 13:33:00

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