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Geologist Day in Ukraine 2024: St. George the Confessor, Metropolitan of Mytilene Remembered

Today, April 7, is Geologist Day in Ukraine. Believers honor the memory of St. George the Confessor, Metropolitan of Mytilene. There are 268 days left until the New Year.

April 7, 2024 – Sunday. 774th day of the war in Ukraine.

What kind of church holiday is today?

April 7 in the church calendar – Memorial Day of St. George the Confessor, Metropolitan of Mytilene. From his youth he wanted to become a monk. At that time, the emperor was Leo the Isaurian, who pursued a policy of iconoclasm. George professed the honoring of icons, for which he was nicknamed the Confessor. During the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, he became bishop of the department in Mytilene. He led a pure and chaste life, always helping those in need. At the end of George’s life, the iconoclast Leo the Armenian became emperor, so the metropolitan was exiled to Chersonesos, where he died.

What not to do on April 7

  • You should not go close to bodies of water.
  • You cannot look out of an open window.
  • It is forbidden to overeat and abuse alcohol.

Folk signs and traditions for April 7

Among our ancestors there were many interesting signs for this day:

  • looked at what day it was: it was raining heavily until the big harvest of viburnum berries;
  • sunny, but frosty in the morning – wait for the grain harvest;
  • there are many stars in the sky – there will be the same number of berries and mushrooms in the forest;
  • The weather on this day indicates what the beginning of September will be like.

Our ancestors watched the clouds on this day. Therefore, men did not go to reservoirs so that the river inhabitants would not drag them under water. But women went to the rivers. There was a belief that if a woman made friends with a mermaid, then there would be no drownings in her family.

Name day: what to name a child born on April 7

What is today’s name day? Arkady, Georgy, Daniil, Peter, Akulina, Evdokia.

The talisman of a person born on April 7 is sardonyx. Belongs to the type of agate. It can have different colors: from rich chestnut to red-amber. It has long been believed that sardonyx heals fractures and helps stop bleeding.

Born on this day:

  • 1871 – Ukrainian writer Boris Lazarevsky;
  • 1876 ​​- Ukrainian Slavic philologist and art critic Illarion Sventsitsky;
  • 1919 – Ukrainian historian, linguist, orientalist, founder and long-time director of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute at Harvard University Emelyan Pritsak.

Memorable dates April 7

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for April 7:

  • 529 – after 14 months of work, Roman jurists promulgate the Code of Justinian;
  • 1348 – the Czech king and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV founded Charles University in Prague – the first in Central Europe;
  • 1652 – Dutchman Jan Van Riebeeck founded Fort Cape Town in South Africa;
  • 1738 – Pope Clement XII, with a special bull, accuses the “free masons” of hypocrisy, pretense, heresy and perversion;
  • 1789 – Selim III becomes Ottoman Sultan and attempts reforms;
  • 1795 – Laws of the 18th Germinal are passed in France, introducing the metric system and a decimal monetary system based on the franc;
  • 1805 – premiere of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 at the Theater an der Wien;
  • 1827 – English pharmacist John Walker invents matches;
  • 1906 – the eruption of Mount Vesuvius devastates Naples;
  • 1927 – the first public television broadcast over a long distance is carried out: a speech by US Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover is shown from Washington to New York;
  • 1948 – The charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) comes into force;
  • 1964 – IBM announces the System/360 computing system;
  • 1969 – the symbolic birth date of the Internet, publication RFC 1;
  • 1992 – The Republic of Serbia declares independence;
  • 2017 – bombing of Shayrat air base.

Weather on April 7

Today, April 7, it is cloudy in Kyiv, it will clear up only in the evening, without precipitation. In Lviv it is clear throughout the day, no precipitation is expected. In Kharkov it will clear up in the morning, but in the afternoon and evening it will be cloudy, without precipitation. In Odessa it will be cloudy in the morning, clear later, no precipitation is expected.

The air temperature in Kyiv is +16 during the day and +10 at night. In Lviv it is +17 during the day and +8 at night. In Kharkov +19 during the day and +9 at night. In Odessa +16 during the day and +12 at night.

What day is it today in Ukraine and the world?

April 7 is celebrated in Ukraine Geologist’s Day. The professional holiday falls annually on the first Sunday of April. The event was created back in 1966 on the initiative of geologists. 1995, by order of President Leonid Kuchma, the celebration continued. Geologists study the lithosphere, identify mineral deposits, and study the physical properties of the Earth’s interior.

Also April 7 world health day. The holiday was created in 1950, and the date of celebration was chosen in honor of the adoption of the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), which took place in 1948. The main purpose of this day is to celebrate the importance of health in human life, engage humanity in solving mental and physical problems, create awareness about various diseases, etc. World Health Day draws the world’s attention to the important health issues that humanity faces every day.

And also on April 7 International Beaver Day. The holiday was created in 2009, and the date of celebration was chosen in honor of the birthday of Dorothy Richards, who studied these animals for 50 years. Beavers play a vital role in the ecology of our planet, because they build dams, restore wetlands, reduce the effects of floods and droughts, clean water bodies, etc.

April 7th starts International Trombone Week. During this period, the multifaceted and rich voice of the trombone is celebrated. The week brings together artists, performers and amateurs from all over the world. The trombone is considered one of the most difficult wind instruments to master. It is often called a “wind violin”.

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2024-04-07 09:38:14

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