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Genoa, commemoration of the Morandi bridge two years after the collapse

They have passed two years exact from the collapse of Morandi bridge in Genoa which it provoked 43 dead and 566 displaced. The anniversary commemorations were completed this morning. It started with one mass open to the public and then with the blessing dell’archbishop Marco Tasca of the «Clearing of Memory», installation for the victims with 43 trees, one different from the other, under the new bridge “Genoa-San Giorgio» (inaugurated on August 3 by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte). At the end, the official commemoration began with theintervention, among others, of premier italiano. Ministers were also present Alfonso Bonafede e Paola De Micheli, the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti and the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci.

Conte’s speech and the minute of silence

The premier Conte arrived in the Glade of Memory in the Certosa district in Genoa and stopped to talk to the mayor Marco Bucci, extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction and with the minister of infrastructure Paola De Micheli. After a brief pause of meditation in front of the numerous wreaths of flowers entered the ceremony that took place in the new one Glade of Memory where will the memorial dedicated to the victims, designed by the architect Stefano Boeri. The commemoration began with the projection of a video it contains with the photo, i faces e i names of the 43 victims of the disaster. The Prime Minister took the floor and he has declared: “The 43 victims of the collapse of the bridge we will not be able never forget them. We keep asking justice. On behalf of the government we guarantee commitment not to leave Genoa alone. We created the premises for Genoa to be reborn. There are premises to do it with the new national plan. This experience so intense it will not remain for your personal sphere, but will become collective memory. We will continue to ask justice, and there is our commitment to ensure that ours infrastructure may be more and more safe and efficient. We are to remind you that we are at your side to ascertain the responsibility for the collapse. We want to stand here to mean that the your pain, your wound is our pain and our wound». After Conte’s speech, at 11.36, now exact of the collapse two years ago, a minute of silence.

The homily of Archbishop Tasca, the pride of Mayor Bucci

During the homily this morning Archbishop Tasca remembering the 43 victims he said: «Lord, help us find meaning to all this, help us find a sense to what happened. The pain and the suffering they will not have the last word». On the sidelines of the ceremony, Marco Bucci, mayor of the Ligurian capital also spoke: “Genoa He does not forget, our city never forgets, in history it has never forgotten anything. Especially throw a message: that these things they don’t have to happen anymore. We want economic resources, people and technologies to be put together so that our infrastructures, the most beautiful in the world, are also the Safer».

The victims’ committee: “Country humiliated by rotten system”

There was no lack of controversy on the sidelines of the commemorations. Eagle possett, spokesperson for the committee of relatives of the victims del Morandi intervened during the ceremony: «« We cannot continue to do so humiliate – he declared – It is necessary for our country to be complete, including entrepreneurs who work with responsibility, can start again to get out of the abyss into which ours was also plunged credibility, we will need to be able to corner a rotten system that allowed the bridge to collapse. We want safe highways and we do not want the citizens to pay them, we know that there have been profits unjustly set aside and then in our small way we will try to monitor together with the citizens who will have the strength and the willingness to do so, so that our despair can be made into a piece of rebirth».

August 14, 2020 (change August 14, 2020 | 12:33)


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