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Gennevilliers: a man shot dead in broad daylight

Few in the industrial area of ​​Gennevilliers have not heard the detonations resound. Hit in the abdomen by 9 mm gunfire, Monday afternoon, a 25-year-old man succumbed to his injuries, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, at Beaujon hospital in Clichy.

It was around 2 p.m., avenue Louis-Roche, at the entrance to a business park bringing together several companies, that the victim was targeted. According to several witnesses, his attackers would have arrived in a car. They would have blocked his way, involuntarily helped by a van passing by.

“The circumstances are still unclear, blows a close to the file. But there was, at one point, a grouping of vehicles, and that is when the gunshot was fired. “

“We first heard a big kick of skating, then at least two shots, says a regular. The victim was to be seated in a car on the passenger side. He tried to run away when he saw the guys coming but they shot him and left immediately… ”

The victim known for only one old conviction

When the emergency services and the police arrived, everyone, including the victim, had disappeared from Avenue Louis-Roche. According to a source, his own brother took him to the hospital.

“A man made him board a black Mercedes,” says an employee of the business area. He explained that he was going to take her to hospital and he stormed off. It all looks a lot like settling scores… ”

However, nothing in the victim’s past seems to support this thesis. “His record shows only an old conviction,” observes the same source. A conviction that has nothing to do with drug trafficking or organized crime. “

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