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Gender neutral Golden Calf: empty and premature gesture or logical decision?

The Golden Calves for Best Male and Best Female Lead are disappearing; there will be one prize in that category. So it disappears distinguish between man and woman at the presentation of the most important film prize in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) says that it is in line with the worldwide discussion about gender inclusivity, which also takes place within the film world. “We look at performance regardless of gender.”

Director Norbert ter Hall thinks the decision is logical. “The mix of characteristics of a person cannot only be traced back to male and female. There are so many factors that determine who you are, it is very strange to select on one aspect.”

He expects that the decision of the NFF will bring more attention to the craftsmanship of the individual actors. “Of course there is a difference between men and women and that matters. But by not making any distinctions, you pay more attention to those differences, so they get more attention.”

The stigmatizing role

The decision has also been criticized: “I understand the choice and do not necessarily disapprove of it, but it is an empty and premature gesture. What we should especially look at is how we judge the best actor and actress; that women and men are equal,” says screenwriter Manju Reijmer.

According to him, there is no such equality now. “Statistically, there are many female roles and we are not doing very badly in the Netherlands, but those are mainly stigmatizing roles such as that of a housewife. While male actors may be the artistically intuitive man with psychological problems and depth in their role.”

Actress Katja Herbers also expressed herself critically:

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