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Gardaí conduct National Slow Down Day to raise awareness of road safety

Tomorrow, Gardaí across Ireland will participate in National Slow Down Day in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding on our roads. With data showing that speeding is a factor in a significant number of road collisions, this initiative aims to encourage drivers to reduce their speed and drive with greater caution. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at National Slow Down Day and the reasons why it is so important for all road users to make safety a top priority.

Garda Síochána, the national police force of the Republic of Ireland, is launching a new initiative called National Slow Down Day to remind drivers about the dangers of speeding on the roads. The operation will start at 7 am on Friday morning and last for 24 hours. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about the need to comply with speed limits and encourage road users to drive responsibly, reducing the number of speed-related incidents and saving lives.

The initiative has the support of the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and comes at a time when Ireland is experiencing an increase in the number of fatal road accidents. In 2021 there were 157 fatalities on the country’s roads, the highest number since 2016. So far in 2022, there have been 52 fatalities, up from 49 recorded on the same date in 2021.

Recent enforcement data from the Garda Síochána and the RSA has shown that drivers across the country continue to exceed speed limits. The statistics reveal that 73% of fatal collisions in 2022 occurred on rural roads with a speed limit of 80 km/h or higher, while 27% occurred in urban areas. According to estimates, around 30% of fatal accidents occur as a direct result of driving at excessive speed or inappropriate speeds.

Anyone driving in Ireland should be aware that no matter the condition of the roads or the weather, speeding significantly increases the chances of being involved in a fatal or serious road traffic collision. This point was outlined by Chief Superintendent Jane Humphries, who said that speeding remains one of the principal causes of road accidents.

“As we all hit the road, it’s important to remember that every time we get behind the wheel, we hold the responsibility of keeping ourselves and others safe,” said Supt Humphries. “Unfortunately, accidents and fatalities on the road are still far too common. Speeding not only puts you at risk but also endangers the lives of others around you… Every time you speed, you increase the likelihood of losing control of your vehicle, which could lead to a serious or fatal accident.”

The Garda Síochána is urging all road users to drive responsibly, obey speed limits, and be aware of their surroundings. The agency stresses that speed limits are in place for a reason and that drivers must respect them to ensure their safety as well as that of others. The consequences of speeding can be devastating, not only for the driver but also for innocent people on the road.

“Let’s take the initiative to make our roads safer, not only this National Slow Down Day but every day, by slowing down and making sure we are driving at a safe and appropriate speed,” concluded Supt Humphries. “By doing so, we can help prevent accidents and make our communities safer for everyone.”

In conclusion, the Garda Síochána’s National Slow Down Day is a timely reminder of the importance of driving responsibly and within legal speed limits. The initiative sheds light on the dangers of excessive speed and aims to raise awareness among road users of the need to respect speed limits and to be aware of their surroundings. Every driver has a personal accountability to keep themselves and all other road users safe, and slowing down is one of the most effective ways to achieve this goal.

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