Home » today » News » García makes mea culpa and reinforces psychological work on campus – La Discusión

García makes mea culpa and reinforces psychological work on campus – La Discusión

The ANFP Disciplinary Tribunal decided to penalize the Ñublense coach with one match, and the players Raimundo Rebolledo and Juan Leiva, expelled in the last duel with Universidad Católica, by the controversial referee Fernando Véjar, and with two matches, against the defender Argentine Nicolás Salazar (direct red).

Meanwhile, the club was summoned for next Tuesday, together with the coordinator of Ñublense, Francisco Mardones, to defend themselves against the complaints of Véjar, who stated in his report a verbal attack by the helmsman Sergio Gioino and a blow to the back from Mardones.

Beyond the sanctions, García slipped a deep self-criticism to avoid more expulsions, since so far in the tournament the club from Ñublensino leads the ranking with eight expulsions.

“I think I made a mistake and I’m well sent off. I think there is a topic for me to analyze, why are we coming out so much to the fore due to the expulsions. There is a deep message for the coaching staff, I have nothing to claim from the referee. We must learn to work through frustration, taking responsibility for mistakes first before claiming the rest”, reflected García.

You have to do a deep job, the entire coaching staff, with the psychologist, to find out the reason why we are getting frustrated so quickly. We are human beings, but they also tell us that we are professionals and we are going to have to work on this, to make better decisions, because this amount of expulsions is not normal. We must be self-critical and not blame the next door. We have never had this number of expulsions in almost five years. We are going to play games like this and we must have self-control, because with fewer players it is difficult to play ”, reinforced a self-critical García.

Along the same lines, the goalkeeper Hernán Muñoz made a mea culpa, who has several yellow cards and even a red one, for claiming from the substitute bench.

“We have to focus on what corresponds to us, sometimes there are wrong charges, but we must be above those things. Psychologically, we must strengthen ourselves and not fall into the arbitration game, because we must be protagonists and be above good or bad arbitration. In my case, they have been exclusively my responsibility. One is naive and we are not aware of the current regulations and when one leaves the technical area there will be a penalty. The slap on the wrist is for me, I must be calmer and not leave my area. We cannot experience this again, it is good that it happens to us now, but we cannot afford this luxury because we do not have a large squad ”, he outlined.

García, already in football, anticipated that he will decide whether to play with a line of four or three defenders, depending on Everton’s proposal this Saturday in Sausalito, but he will have Cerezo and Campusano.


The Red coach greeted the women of Chile and Ñuble, especially the “Ñublense fans”, the “firefighters” and stressed that they are vital for the development of society and the stability of a family. Regarding his mother, visibly moved, he confessed that “she is everything in my life. It’s hard to think about not having her anymore. My mother is everything. She was the one who always encouraged me to continue in football. She is everything in my life, ”said the“ Huaso ”Muñoz.

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