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From this hall, clothes and equipment are sent to Ukrainian soldiers

The Ukrainian embassy in Norway receives hundreds of telephone calls daily. This is how you proceed if you want to help the Ukrainians.

Ukraine’s ambassador to Norway, Vyacheslav Yatsjuk, inside the warehouse in the mountain hall where the emergency shipments to Ukraine are stored.

More than 50 loads of emergency aid have been sent from Oslo to Ukraine since the invasion began. Many will help. The embassy receives up to 1000 daily telephone calls from helpful Norwegians.

Hundreds of boxes are now stored in a mountain hall by Sjursøya in Oslo. Here there is both food, practical equipment and clothes. The hall was set aside for the purpose following a direct order from City Councilor Raymond Johansen from Ukraine’s ambassador to Norway, Vyacheslav Yatsjuk.

– We have the greatest need for medical equipment and food with a long shelf life, Jatsjuk says to Aftenposten.

Emergency aid comes from both organizations and voluntary individuals.

But there are many different ways to help. Here is an overview:

I want to send emergency aid to Ukraine

The embassy gets many questions about how people can help. The easiest way is to send an e-mail to [email protected]

Then you get a form that you have to fill out. Here you write briefly about what you want to send and whether you need help with transport.

If you have a few boxes, it can be delivered to the embassy. Larger shipments must be delivered to the warehouse on Sjursøya. You can either drive yourself or ask for help with transport.

Some want to ship the goods to Ukraine itself. Then you can contact the embassy for advice and help. In addition, you will receive a signed document from the ambassador confirming that you are traveling to Ukraine with emergency aid.

In a warehouse in a mountain hall by Sjursøya in Oslo, emergency aid is stored and sent to Ukraine.

2. I want to help the refugees financially

It is possible to support established aid organizations financially.

Volunteering Norway have gathered some of their member organizations that helps in and around Ukraine. In addition, MSF and Unicef ​​have emergency relief operations underway.

I want to fetch refugees from Ukraine

The government has advised against private transport of refugees.

The UDI writes that they receive several inquiries about this regularly. They point out that even if the intention is good, the transport of people without the correct documents for legal entry can be considered human trafficking. It’s a criminal offense.

The UDI asks those who drive Ukrainian refugees to Norway, to report to the Police Immigration Unit before the bus arrives in Norway.

4. I have a home I want to offer asylum seekers

The UDI writes that they greatly appreciate the offer of buildings that can be suitable for use as accommodation. But as far as possible, they will use the framework agreements they have with reception and emergency accommodation that have already been established. When needed, they will announce new deals.

According to IMDI, you can contact the municipality / Nav where the home is located, and ask them to assess whether the home can be used for settlement of refugees.

5. I want to contribute as an interpreter and with language skills

The UDI only uses qualified interpreters who are standing registered in the National Interpreter Register to register refugees from Ukraine.

You can find information on how to become a qualified public sector interpreter at IMDIs websites.

If you want to contribute your language skills, even if you do not qualify as an interpreter, you can hear if local organizations or your municipality need language help for everyday tasks. You can also contribute as a Norwegian coach. You will find tips on how to contribute to IMDI’s websites.

6. I want to give the refugees gifts and clothes

Unfortunately, the UDI and the hotels that receive refugees in collaboration with the municipalities cannot accept gifts for refugees.

The UDI asks those who want to help, to contact established, voluntary organizations and see what kind of help they organize, and whether they need help from private individuals.

The UDI writes on its pages that those who apply for asylum in Norway are given the most necessary things they need at the National Arrival Center: A clothing package with clothes and shoes for all seasons, bedding and hygiene packages for young and old (diapers and the like).

7. I want to help children who come alone from Ukraine

Many people are contacting Bufetat these days with a desire to be a foster home for Ukrainian children who have fled war.

Bufetat writes on their website that they greatly appreciate anyone who wants to help.

– If unaccompanied minor refugees come from Ukraine, they will first be taken care of by our colleagues in Bufetat, who are specialists in receiving children in crisis, including those who come alone from abroad.

There is a lot to be investigated and mapped before we know what is the right housing offer for the children who may come to Norway, writes Bufetat.

Foster homes for unaccompanied minor refugees are a home on an equal footing with other foster homes, and are approved on the basis of the same regulations and general requirements. Here you can read more about what is required.

8. I want to get involved

On the website frivillig.no There is great interest in missions involving Ukraine and refugees. There you can get involved as a volunteer and spend time on various activities and integration measures that organizations post.

In addition, Frivillighet Norge encourages you to invite refugees who come to your local community to participate in the leisure activities that are already there.

– Those who are already in the choir, corps or in the sports team, can contact the municipality or the refugee reception and say that here it is possible to participate in an exercise or training, says Secretary General Stian Slotterøy Johnsen in Frivillighet Norge.

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