Home » today » Business » From the idea to the balding cream – the HSK marketing award in 2021 goes to Dennis Baltzer from “Better be Bold”

From the idea to the balding cream – the HSK marketing award in 2021 goes to Dennis Baltzer from “Better be Bold”

“The male grooming market is growing, but the retail industry is tough. You have to know your own worth, otherwise you will be out again quickly. ”The former sales director of mymüsli and managing director of“ Better be Bold ”Dennis Baltzer revealed the challenges an unknown young brand has to face in order to market it create and stay there permanently. “Even if a young brand has made it into the supermarket, the biggest work for them is just beginning to secure a permanent place on the shelves.”

The now proud bald bearer from Iserlohn revealed his personal story, which led him to the product idea. “I myself know the ordeal when hair slowly falls out. It was a difficult time. At that time I suffered greatly from my hereditary hair loss. On vacation I made the decision: I need to be bald. ”Since then, he has been promoting the slogan“ Confident to be bold ”and, together with his co-founder Roberto Bianco, came up with the idea of ​​developing a care product for bald men.

The concept was very convincing: “We on the board of directors were particularly impressed by“ Better be Bold ”with its retail strategy and brand,” says Dragan Matijevic, board member responsible for the supporting program. “Every year we award particularly innovative ideas and the young company has developed a product that has never been on the market before,” adds Club President Benjamin Richter.

In addition to the award ceremony, the year 2021 was also looked back on. “Due to the corona, we haven’t been able to hold face-to-face events in the marketing club for a long time. That should change next year, because we would all like to see each other again personally and network ”, promises Richter and is already inviting everyone interested to the annual kick-off event at Habbels in Schmallenberg with keynote speaker Boris Thomas from Lattoflex on January 27, 2022.

Further information at www.marketingclub-hsk.de.

The next event for all members and guests: Marketing Club Evening at the Welcome Hotel Meschede: “Re-boarding after Corona – is that New Work?” On December 1st, 2021 from 5:00 p.m.

The Marketing Club Hochsauerlandkreis eV was founded in 2019, among other things with the aim of networking companies, self-employed and professionals in marketing and encouraging mutual exchange. Regular club evenings, training courses and workshops with various experts are intended to further expand your own marketing know-how and strengthen regional work in the Hochsauerland district.

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