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French Chambers of Agriculture: Press Point with National President Sébastien Windsor and Gard Chamber of Agriculture

This Friday, November 17, a press point was organized in the premises of the Gard Chamber of Agriculture in the company of Sébastien Windsor, national president of the French Chambers of Agriculture.

Three times a year, all elected officials linked to agriculture meet and discuss the problems encountered and points for improvement envisaged. According to Magali Saumade, president of the Chamber of Agriculture of Gard, “it is important to maintain strong links between the national level and the departmental levels.”

“Nothing is better than these exchanges”

During his trip to Gard, Sébastien Windsor, national president of the French Chambers of Agriculture, took into account the various issues facing Gard agriculture. “To represent all of the country’s farmers, it is necessary for me to open a dialogue and thus be as close as possible to their needs.” For Magali Saumade, “nothing is better than these exchanges, they are necessary for the proper functioning of agriculture throughout the Gard territory.”

Constraints and a bill

Renewing generations of Gard farmers means, above all, sustaining resources and production. “Today, it would be enough to tap the source of the Rhône for nine hours to meet the water needs of Gard for the yearexplains Magali Saumade. The agricultural world has never called for a water grab.”

Beyond water constraints, agricultural authorities must also play a role in transmission and awareness-raising. “Resuming production when you are a young farmer or preparing to transfer your production before retirement is not an easy thing. This bill will allow the various Chambers of Agriculture, including that of Gard, to better frame it”says the departmental president.

Confident about the agricultural future of Gard, the final word came to her. “I am optimistic. There is no big war but lots of small battles that must be won, and we will win them”she concluded enthusiastically.

The agricultural world, a player in decarbonization

Agriculture positions itself as both a victim and an actor of climate change. While the authorization for the use of glyphosate has been extended, the shift from fossil fuels to the use of renewable materials has become inevitable. Depriving yourself of fossil fuels means betting on producing more while using fewer resources. For Magali Saumade and Sébastien Windsor, this is one of the major challenges that the agricultural world of tomorrow will face, with the main regulator being the departmental, regional and national Chambers of Agriculture.

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