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Franck Kessié Transfer News: Latest Updates on FC Barcelona and Juventus Negotiations

Franck Kessié should not start the next season with FC Barcelona. Despite being on the Catalan club’s American tour, the midfielder still has his future at the heart of negotiations between his club and Juventus. Contacts have even taken place recently between the Ivorian and the Italian club.

The days go by, the rumors swell but the situation remains the same for Franck Kessié. The midfielder is still a FC Barcelona player. However, his stay in the Catalan group is obviously only a matter of days. The former AC Milan player is closing in on a return to Italy this summer. While the Spanish club and Juventus had previously struggled to agree on the terms of an agreement for the transfer of Kessié, everything now seems to be settled. According to the latest news, contacts have taken place between the Bianconeri and the Ivorian.

As if to give a boost to the file, the Italian press announces an agreement between Juventus and Barça. The two clubs are now discussing the final transfer arrangements for the arrival of the native of Ouaragahio. Juve offered a loan with a mandatory purchase option while FC Barcelona wants a final sale. The Blaugrana would especially like to pocket at least the sum of 25 million euros in this operation. For now, a final agreement has not yet been reached between the Serie A club and its La Liga counterpart.

The two clubs are still working on the possible arrival of the player this summer. In full reconstruction, Juventus would like to put Kessié at the heart of its new project. The 26-year-old is even insistently demanded by Massimiliano Allegri for the next season. Things have changed in recent days with the presence of the Old Lady and Barça in the United States. This is part of a friendly preseason duel that was finally canceled for an epidemic of gastroenteritis in the Catalan ranks. Both parties take the opportunity to begin negotiations.

2023-07-23 21:10:38
#Mercato #settles #Franck #Kessié #Juventus #Africa #Foot #United

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