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Francisco del Amo Zarco Makes 500th Blood Donation, Sets Record in Spain and Europe

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Francisco del Amo ZarcoSocuellamino who has lived in Burgos for decades, made his 500th blood donationa record that is not held by any donor in Spain or in Europe, and that shows their spirit of solidarity because their blood serves to save lives in hospitals and health centers.

“For little more than the bite of a mosquito I helped a family, if not save, then improve the health of their patient. I think it is a more than enough reason to encourage you to donate blood,” he declared to journalists minutes before proceeding to donate at the point set up at the Divino Valles Hospital in Burgos capital. Francisco del Amo has been donating blood for 46 years and is also president of the Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Burgos and responsible for the federation of Castilla y León.

It all started in 1977 when his mother, a regular donor, “It took him little more than by the ear” to donate with her and then she realized that “it wasn’t that big of a deal,” and she continued donating year after year. Del Amo has complied with the maximum allowed: four annual donations for men (three for women) and periodic donations of plasma or platelets (every 15 days), hence he has managed to reach that figure of 500, which he only shares with one man from Texas (United States), but there “you pay to donate,” he explained.

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2024-01-10 07:18:08
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