Home » today » Entertainment » Francesca Antoniotti talks about pregnancy at work and shocks her comrades

Francesca Antoniotti talks about pregnancy at work and shocks her comrades

Francesca made herself known through her participation in Star Academy 4 but she did not have a career in song. For Francesca, far from being an obstacle, reality TV can open many doors. In 2013, she told Public.fr: “I’m from reality TV, I’m very proud to have made Star Academy. There are a lot of people who can go out and make a real career of host or journalist while coming from reality TV. ” And if her participation in Star Academy is now part of the pretty Corsican past, she remains a fan of TV shows. “Today I’m a big customer of this kind of show. I admit, I watched the Angels on reality TV and I found that it was well done and funny “, she confessed.

Tonight, Wednesday, January 29, in the C8 show on C8, one of the debates revolved around a sensitive subject, that of sexism in the workplace. And it is therefore quite natural that the chroniclers around the table mentioned pregnancies. And when Valérie Bénaïm read some testimonies revealing the horrors that some have already heard when announcing their pregnancy at work, Francesca reacted without detour…

I can understand that directors do not want that when they hired someone, and what’s more, the person is pregnant. Why ? Because the person has to be replaced. If tomorrow I am the director, that I have a daughter that I love very much, on whom I count, to whom I signed a CDI, that tomorrow, she is pregnant and that I have to replace her, that would give me a damn! “But she has not been supported by all her comrades and risks drawing the wrath of many people. For the moment, nothing to report on the web, business to follow …

Fallon C.

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