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Former World Champion Sergei Ustyugov Sidelined Indefinitely Due to Heart Problems, Reveals Ski President Jelena Välbe

Published 2023-12-21 23.23

Sergej Ustyugov, 31, will be gone indefinitely.

The former world champion has suffered from heart problems.

– He must get healthy before he can compete, says Jelena Välbe.

Since Russian skaters are banned from international competitions, we have not seen any of them in the World Cup, but the fact is that Sergei Ustyugov did not appear in the Russian national competitions either.

Now ski president Jelena Välbe reveals why.

– He had a cold this autumn and after that he had problems with his blood pressure and heart, so now he has to rest, says Välbe according to Championship.

fullscreen Sergey Ustjugov. Photo: Carl Sandin / Bildbyrån

Stopped last year

Last winter, Ustyugov was stopped from competing by the Russian Federation because he failed the mandatory medical tests.

Then the why was kept secret.

– I’m not going to tell you about it. Maybe at a later time, Ustjugov said.

– It is his personal secret, said coach Markus Cramer.

However, it is unclear whether Ustiugov had problems with his heart even then.

2023-12-21 22:23:31
#star #heart #problems #catching #cold

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