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Former Playboy model with sex confession for Prince Harry and Megan ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Curious

Jenna Bentley from Montana, USA, says that she first realized that she likes both men and women when she arrived at the Playboy mansion at the age of 18. Since then, she has been dating both sexes and now considers herself pansexual.

Pansexuality is a romantic, sexual or emotional attraction to people, regardless of their gender or gender identity, writes jenata.blitz.bg.

The stunning model has now admitted that she has a secret love affair with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Harry and Megan – and dreams of having a threesome with them.

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“I have so much in common with Megan,” says Jenna. “We have both been very much in the public eye and we are strong business women who know what they want. And she has Harry, who looks so cute and funny. I find them both so attractive and sexy. “

Jenna, who has an army of fans from her years as a Playboy model and is one of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends, first became interested in Megan after seeing the actress on the TV show “Costumes”.

She says: “I thought Megan was fantastic. I really connected with her story about her way up. Her quest to get what she wanted, and that sex scene in the file room – oh my God, it was so sexy. “

And not only did Megan catch Jenna’s eye, the model admits that she has long been in love with Prince Harry – “despite his red hair.”

She added: “He has always been the funniest of the two with William. I’ve never been attracted to red-haired boys, but there’s just something about him, he’s so charismatic, and the way he stands next to Megan just proves how gentle he is.

I think they are the perfect couple, but if given the chance, I think I could bring a touch of fun and freedom that they both desperately need. ”

Jenna hopes to meet the couple soon and make her dream threesome come true, saying: “I’m always in Los Angeles, so I hope to meet them next time. Besides, I’d like to meet the queen. “

Jenna recently made headlines in the tabloids with the story of how life at the Playboy mansion inspired her “sexual awakening” – and this is where she first had a romantic experience with a woman.

The model adds: “I had a feeling of attraction to women from an early age, but I mistaken it when I thought they were beautiful and wanted to look like them.

The older I got, the clearer it became in my mind – but I never told my mother or my family because I was confused.

The best analogy I can give to how I feel about my sexuality and pansexuality is, “I like wine, not etiquette.

I’m very interested in what’s inside, not outside, what I really feel. “


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