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Former North Korean Defector Fasts to Protest Democratic Party Candidate: Calls for Resignation of Kim Jun-hyuk

Kim Da-hye, a former North Korean defector who graduated from Ewha Womans University, began fasting in front of the Democratic Party headquarters in Yeouido from 4 p.m. on the 7th, saying, “I will fast until Democratic Party candidate Kim Jun-hyuk, who is a maker of misogynistic and historical distortions, resigns.”

Kim Da-hye, a North Korean defector who graduated from Ewha Womans University, is protesting in front of the Democratic Party headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 7th, calling for the resignation of Democratic Party candidate Kim Jun-hyuk. /provided by readers

On this day, Mr. Kim said, “I will fast indefinitely until the Democratic Party candidate Kim Jun-hyuk, who has repeatedly made degrading and hateful remarks against women, resigns.” He added, “Candidate Kim Jun-hyuk, who has revealed a distorted sexual ideology that only views women as sexual objects, should resign immediately and protect such people until they are nominated.” “The Democratic Party of Korea should also apologize and expel candidate Kim Jun-hyuk immediately,” he said.

Mr. Kim, born in 1980, entered South Korea in 2012 as a North Korean defector. A graduate of Ewha Womans University, he was the beneficiary of the ‘Kim Hwal-ran Scholarship’ named after the first president, Hwal-ran Kim, and served as the ‘Chairman of the Young President Park Chung-hee Research Association.’ In a phone call with this newspaper that day, Mr. Kim said, “I opened my eyes to women’s rights after taking a women’s studies course at Ewha Womans University,” and added, “Candidate Kim Jun-hyuk’s view of women is the same as that of the North Korean regime, which degrades and ignores women.” He said, “Candidate Kim Jun-hyuk is an anti-feminist,” and “I wanted to condemn ‘Lee Jae-myung’s Democratic Party’ for nominating such a candidate, even if it meant fasting.”

She is a mother of a 6-year-old and a 22-month-old child. Mr. Kim said, “I risked my life to escape North Korea, but I couldn’t see South Korea becoming like North Korea, so I went out of desperation to stop it, even if it meant fasting,” and added, “I was afraid that if the country didn’t come forward, my children would grow up in a place like North Korea, which I escaped from.” “He said. He said, “What I’m most afraid of is that Lee Jae-myung’s Democratic Party and candidate Kim Jun-hyuk think that they can just tolerate it for a few days and that all issues are buried.”

In a statement she wrote that day, Ms. Kim said, “The current state of the Democratic Party is not taking any action against candidate Kim Jun-hyuk, who has made obscene remarks, distorted history, made all kinds of obscene remarks and even degraded women,” and added, “I strongly appeal to the women of the Republic of Korea.” do. “Please restore the value of the dignity of free Korean women who were brutally trampled to death.”

Mr. Kim was a member of the People Power Party, but left the party when he applied for the People’s Future proportional candidate. It is said that he submitted a resignation letter to the People’s Future Party the day before, on the 6th, in order to go on a hunger strike calling for the resignation of candidate Kim Jun-hyuk.

2024-04-07 07:21:12
#North #Korean #defector #Ewha #Womans #University #fasts #indefinitely #candidate #Kim #Junhyuk #resigns

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