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Former “Mills” Player Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Cocaine Smuggling

A Dutch court sentenced the former “mills” player, David Mendez da Silva, to 7 years in prison, after he was found guilty of smuggling cocaine.

The court found that Mendez da Silva was involved in cocaine smuggling, and convicted him of importing two batches of the dangerous substance, weighing 74 and 105 kilograms.

Mendez da Silva was acquitted of direct involvement in a third case of smuggling more than 1,300 kilograms of cocaine, while the judge convicted him of carrying out “criminal preparatory measures” in the case and selling the drug.

According to the English-language Dutch newspaper NL Times, the court will now try to confiscate the money Mendez da Silva, 40, earned from illegal activity.

Earlier, the player’s lawyer admitted that his client “made mistakes and participated in drug trafficking,” but “certainly not as much as the prosecution claims,” ​​according to the Dutch newspaper.

2023-07-29 17:00:05

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