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For the Children of All, they all laughed at Sagvan Tofi. So I told you to go

When Sagvan Tofi introduced his musical Dti rje twelve years ago, he had prophesied a long life. But the opposite is true. The first six years were played in Prague, the last six years in Brno and in halls all over the Czech Republic. Now Sagi and Dtmi rje returning to the Congress Center if: This was not the place to go!

There used to be a time when a newt tuil, I’m moving Sagvan Tofi iv. But these are two of them. From the flute, which made its way through show business and went from the days of Kamard to children, it became one of the most successful musical producers in the US. He admitted to the express that this had actually happened by mistake.

I don’t know the word producer. I became a producer by mistake. I thought someone did it for me and it will be good. But then I found out that people don’t have that heart. Today, we have been playing with children for twelve years, and for all of us, it’s a piece of cake. It will be jin again, naanan,promises Sagi that the point of his hurry is that it works for the girls.

Everyone and Dtmi always laughed at them. But I’m proud that Radek Bala managed to move the show back a bit. The musicals are played in all theaters today. But they are small. We dared to do it big. At Bobycentrum I said then: Radek, say it, decorate it. It was like crazy, and it’s like. But I think if the Children can be different, except that the people go for it again and again and again, it’s dark, it’s a show,to Sagi and promises to be magnificent.

Ride motorcycles, cars, reveals Tofi and Bala sails into it.

I think Sagvan was very helpful. When I was drinking, and I thought of what I wanted, I said about the golden trabant. I once saw a golden Cadillac called by Madonna. we wished that it would be good fr. And the lazy man got a pension for it and at the end he introduced a gold trabant,Bala added.

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