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For men under the age of thirty .. symptoms that warn you of a lack of male hormone

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Talking about low testosterone may be associated with men after at least forty, but science confirms that men under the age of 30 may also suffer from low testosterone.

According to the official Mayo Clinic website, testosterone levels tend to rise in men during adolescence and early adulthood, then drop by about 1 percent each year, starting around the age of thirty. But in some cases, a man may experience a drop in testosterone at a younger age.

Both men and women produce testosterone, but it is called the “male hormone” because men produce much more than women. This hormone is responsible for the growth of the male sexual organs, sperm, muscle mass, voice, and hair growth. So low testosterone is associated with a host of symptoms, the main ones being erectile dysfunction, infertility, loss of muscle mass, increased fat, and baldness.

In some cases, the decrease in the male hormone is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, and here it can be easily changed, but in other cases, it is caused by a medical condition that requires specialized intervention.

The cause of low testosterone in young men

Low testosterone is less common among men under the age of 30, but it appears due to the following factors:

High cholesterol levels

High blood pressure

Being overweight or obese

Using illegal drugs such as steroids

Tumors of the pituitary gland

Diabetes or liver disease

Cancer treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy

You can take a simple blood test to determine the level of testosterone.If your doctor finds that the level of the hormone is below normal, he may order additional tests or perform a test to find out the cause. The treatment plan depends on the diagnosis and medical history. But what the site warns about is taking a dietary supplement containing testosterone without consulting a doctor because it may double the risk of heart disease.

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