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For McDonald’s, reopening under control

“I want to go to McDonald’s!” begs a motorist, open windows and blows his horn to express his frustration. The security guard who runs traffic at the entrance to McDonald’s de Crissier, at the gates of Lausanne, has just refused him access. “There are two hours of waiting. Please move on. ” In the interior, customers take their troubles patiently. The promise of a burger at the end of the long queue after six weeks of total store closure excites the taste buds. “Hello nazes,” laughs a cabriolet driver, before spinning straight.

Battery of sanitary measures

Employees of the American giant returned to the stove on Monday, in small numbers and equipped with masks and gloves. The restaurant rooms remain closed. Only the 88 McDrives, which provide take-home delivery and home delivery, are available. “We plan our teams so that they can keep a sufficient distance in the kitchen. Our employees work back to back or out of sync, says Béatrice Montserrat, spokesperson for McDonald’s Switzerland. In addition to their protective gear, our employees regularly wash their hands with a germ control soap. ”

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The battery of health measures aims to ensure the safety of employees, but also to reassure them about their working conditions during this pandemic period. After raising their voice, the Unia union said to itself satisfied on Monday with the measures taken by the company. The organization set up a “snail operation” on Friday March 20 outside Crissier’s restaurant to call for a halt to all activity in fast food chains. “Traffic regulation and kitchen safety rules are a good signal. This shows that McDonald’s is now operating in reduced wing, notes Giorgio Mancuso, manager of the tertiary sector for the Vaud section of Unia. We can no longer fault them and all the better if they have realized that the health of the staff is more important than their turnover. “

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