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Fntastic studio announces closure less than a week after launch. The Day Before

The story of The Day Before will go down in the history books as one of the strangest and most absurd ever. First with the unusual dispute over the very name of the game, then with a silence that made many doubt the existence of the game, and finally with a release of such poor quality that it may be one of the lowest rated games in the history of Steam. With a unanimous criticism and a number of problems for users to access the game, today’s news does not surprise us at all, although the speed with which it has been announced does.

Fntastic has taken to Twitter / X to issue a statement informing us of the studio’s disbandment just four days after the release of The Day Before. In the same text, they state that all revenue received will be used exclusively to pay outstanding debts to their partners and investors, and that the title will not receive any updates or bug fixes, although the servers will remain active, at least for the time being.

If you want to return the game, remember that Steam only accepts returns if you’ve played the game for less than two hours, so think carefully about whether it’s worth keeping a newly released and unsupported game.

2023-12-11 19:18:41
#Fntastic #studio #announces #closure #week #launch #Day

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