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Florida alert: you can drop a frozen iguana on your head

Florida, United States

The iguanas they are a plague on Florida, but its invasive existence is never boring. Now the meteorological authorities warn the residents to be careful, because with the cold wave the iguanas can freeze and give you a stumble in the head.

“This is not something we predict frequently, but don’t be surprised if you see iguanas fall from the trees tonight, “the Miami Weather Service (NWS) wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

It is expected that temperatures go down between -1 ° C and 4 ° C on Tuesday night, an unusual event in this warm subtropical state of the United States, where temperatures in “winter” they are usually kept at 18 ° C.

Many people lack heating and do not have adequate clothing to cope with these frosts temperatures, but there are also other animals going through difficulties.

“The iguanas they have cold blood, “the NWS explained.” They slow down or become motionless when low temperature of 4 ° C. They can fall from the trees, but they are not dead. “

Last January, the “rain” of iguanas frozen What happened during a wave of cold took the population off guard, who published numerous photos on the social networks of reptiles that seemed to have died suddenly.

Some tried to heat them or take them to their homes or their cars, something that the authorities strongly advise against because, when defrosting, they act as if nothing had happened and can be aggressive because they try to defend themselves.

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