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Five Fatalities from Seasonal Influenza in Jalisco as Flu Season Continues

During the cold season It is common for the presence of respiratory diseases to increase, one of them being seasonal influenza, and so far, there have been five fatalities resulting from it.

According to the State Secretary of Health (SSJ)since the flu season began, Last October, and so far this month, five people have died from influenza.

Of them, three fell ill last December: two died that same month and one more died at the beginning of this month, becoming the first influenza victim of 2024.

Given this situation, the Ministry of Health once again urged the population to go and get the vaccine against this disease, whose campaign will continue to be available for the remainder of this month.

To date, in Jalisco they have applied 1 million 599 thousand 457 vaccines corresponding to the entire Health sectorof the goal of two million 292 thousand doses of vaccines available, which represents almost 70% progress for the Entity.

“This is a quadrivalent vaccine that contains two strains of influenza A H1N1 y H3N2 and two strains of influenza B for added protection. The application of the biological is aimed at vulnerable groups such as girls and boys from 6 to 59 months, people over 60 years of age, pregnant women, health personnel and people with chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, morbid obesity and others that cause immunosuppression (low of “defenses” against infections)”, recalled the SSJ.

It is important to emphasize that people can go to get vaccinated at any public health unit, whether in the IMSS, ISSSTE or OPD centers Jalisco Health Services regardless of eligibility, since this vaccine is free.



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2024-01-15 03:19:17
#Health #Jalisco #deaths #influenza #state #season

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