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Find Answers to Question 4 in Class 4 Theme 7 Sub-theme 2: What Causes Water to Freeze in the Refrigerator?

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Find Answers to Question 4 in Class 4 Theme 7 Sub-theme 2: What Causes Water to Freeze in the Refrigerator?

Bobo.id – There are five types changes in the form of things, namely melting, frozen, sublimate, evaporate, and condense.

Each type changes in the form of things this happens to different things too.

An example is water that changes its form to evaporate due to the heating process.

Also Read: 6 Kinds of Changes in the Form of Objects and Examples: Melting, Freezing, Subliming, Evaporating, Condensing, and Crystallizing

Besides evaporating, water can also change its form to become frozen. But what causes water to freeze in the refrigerator, huh?

This question was asked in the material for grade 4, theme 7, sub-theme 2 regarding the Beauty of the Cultural Diversity of My Country.

Come on, find out the answer key below!

Changes in the Form of Liquid Into Freezing

Water is a liquid that can change form to freeze when it experiences a change in temperature.

Freezing is a change in form from a liquid to a solid or hardened object.

This change in frozen form occurs due to cold temperatures hitting the liquid.

One example of the change in the form of a liquid to freeze is when we put water in it freezer.

Within a certain time, the water will change its form to become frozen, which is to become ice cubes.

Another example that shows a change in the form of a frozen liquid is a wax that melts and melts into solid again after the temperature cools.

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What Causes Water to Freeze in the Refrigerator?

Water put in freezer will freeze and become ice cubes at a certain temperature and time.

What causes water to change form to freeze and turn into ice after putting it in the refrigerator or refrigerator, huh?

In fact, this is related to changes in electrical energy which causes the temperature to drop to freezing.

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The electrical energy in the refrigerator flows to the parts of the refrigerator, which will then change to a low temperature.

This low temperature will then drop to freezing point, causing the water to harden or freeze.

This is why, all liquids put in the refrigerator, especially parts freezer will transform into a frozen state.


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