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Find Answers for Grade 6 Elementary School Theme 9, What is the name of the planet that is experiencing the fastest revolution?

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The answer key for the 6th grade elementary school theme 9, what is the name of the planet that has the fastest revolution.

Bobo.id – In the 6th grade thematic lesson, theme 9, sub-theme 1, page 6.

Friends will learn material about celestial bodies that are around us.

All around us is a universe made up of various gases and other substances.

Try it guys see, celestial objects what is visible at night and also during the day.

Of course there are celestial bodies that we can see, such as the moon, sun, and stars.

However, there are actually other celestial bodies that we cannot see directly and must use a telescope.

To find out more about this material, we can listen to the following brief explanation and work on some questions and also find the answer key.

Celestial Objects Around Us

The universe has many galaxies with different shapes. A galaxy is a collection of stars held together by the force of gravity. Galaxies are made up of many planets that revolve around them. The Milky Way Galaxy is the galaxy where humans live. The Milky Way galaxy is spiral in shape. There are many heavenly bodies in it.

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