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Films avec Lali Espósito, star of Sky Rojo

Lali Esposito

, 29, is one of the main faces of

Red sky

, Alex Pina’s new production for the streaming service


. When we talk about Argentina we take into account an artist who manages to adapt to different projects, whether in music or in front of the cameras. So that you know more about her work as an actress

we prepare this list with your films

. See what they are!

+ Films with Lali Espósito:






Directed by:
Gonzalo Tobal

A young student is the only one accused of the brutal murder of her best friend, a case reported ad nauseam in the media. Cornered by the evidence, she must face her own doubts about what really happened.

Available in:

Amazon Prime Video

of them

At 40


Directed by:
Bruno Ascenzo

The characters in their forties confront their past, their present and their future in a promotional evening, which leads them to marvel at the spiritual and complex situations in which they direct their lives.




Year: 2016

Directed by: Ariel Winograd

Plot: In a conversation with friends, Mateo and Camila choose their license, an almost impossible to meet celebrity with whom they could have an affair without counting as infidelity.

Available on: YouTube Premium


The fight of my life

Year 2012

Directed by: Jorge Nisco

Plot: A dishonored boxer returns to his country to regain the love, honor and dignity of his son.


Teen Angels: Goodbye


Year 2013

Directed by: Juan Manuel Jimenez

Summary: This is the record from the last show that the pop group “Teen Angels” performed at the Gran Rex Theater. Recorded at the end of July 2012, the film combines its songs with the comments of each member of the group (from the series “Almost Angels”), evoking anecdotes, reliving emotions and revealing farewell infidences that have surprised thousands of fans. (Filmaffinity)

Available on: YouTube

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