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Fight against covid-19 – The virus remains on the prowl

The second wave of coronavirus contamination is declining. Maintaining the level of vigilance of recent weeks is, however, the condition to prevent a third wave from hitting the country.

Vigilance is always required. A clear improvement in the health situation has been palpable in recent days. Doctors, state officials and casual observers agree on this fact. Everyone concedes, too, that this is not the time to let our guard down.

Interviewed by a private station in the capital yesterday, a technician from the World Health Organization (WHO), indicates that the daily indicators easily make it possible to get an idea of ​​the health situation. In Antananarivo and the three neighboring districts, considered the epicenter of this second wave, the situation has eased. The comings and goings of ambulances are much less frequent. There are no longer long lines in front of pharmacies and health centers, both public and private.

The occupancy rate curve in hospitals and specialized treatment centers for Covid-19 (CTC-19) is also experiencing an encouraging decline. In the CTCs the average occupancy rate in recent days would be thirty beds. While at the height of this second wave, beds and equipment for respiratory assistance were not enough. Patients jostled at the gates of hospitals and CTCs. Basic health centers (CSBs) and medical hotels have even been used to increase the capacity to accommodate patients.

For the day of May 27, official figures released report eighty-two new positive cases across the country. Faced with the drop in the number of patients, the state has decided to close two of the five CTC-19s open in Antananarivo and its surroundings.


According to information, there is only one operational medical hotel. The latter is maintained in the event that the contamination rate suddenly starts to rise again. Although the health situation is improving, appeals to the population to remain on guard are still being hammered out. As it stands, Madagascar is obviously on the way out of the second wave of coronavirus contamination. Maintaining a high level of compliance with barrier gestures is, however, imperative to avoid a third wave of disease spread.

Wearing a mask constantly, respecting the sanitary distance, or even avoiding as much as possible scrums and meetings with several people and in cramped places are examples of good habits that should not be forgotten. Doctors fear above all, the fact that the country is entering the winter season. The experience of the first wave attests that winter invigorates Covid-19 and promotes its spread. In recent days, however, a worrying relaxation has been observed among the population.

Some seem to forget the barrier gestures. More and more people are taking off their masks. Drinking after work is back in the daily life of employees and once again flooding the sidewalks of trendy areas. Bars are quietly resuming their fruitful activities.

Markets and supermarkets are swarming with people sticking together and trampling each other, especially on Fridays, the eve of the weekend lockdown. Places of worship even open their doors clandestinely. Taxi lines become sardine boxes again.

Statistics published daily still report cases of death from Covid-19. The number of patients with severe form, for the date of May 27, is two hundred and one, double the number of new cases recorded. Facts that show that the virus is still there, that it continues to spread and kill. Unless there is a change, Andry Rajoelina, President of the Republic, should address the nation, tomorrow, to share the results of this fortnight of health emergency, but also to share new measures to be applied.

The improvement of the situation could lead the State to relax a little more the sanitary grip, to give air to the economy. Sooner or later the health restrictions will be lifted. If they make it possible to break the chain of contamination, they are not sustainable solutions, indeed. The awareness and permanent vigilance of everyone are then the appropriate way to win this health war. Especially since, until now, there is little enthusiasm for vaccination.

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