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Fedez responds to Morgan’s accusations on X Factor: No favoritism, just normal collaboration

Sparks tonight on «X Factor». Fedez took advantage of the Stunt Pilots’ performance to respond to the accusation made in recent days by former judge Morgan regarding the fact that Lorenzo, one of the boys in the group, had worked with the rapper before taking part in the Sky talent show. «Morgan made this dossier that came out badly in which he said that Lorenzo contributed to working on one of my albums, thus implying that there were favoritism – thundered the rapper -. I want to make things clear: I have never met Lorenzo, we have never seen each other. He simply collaborated with Michele Canova in Los Angeles for the production of some songs, which is a very normal thing. But let’s also say that I knew him: what would be the problem? It appears to me that Morgan, by his own admission, knew Anna Castiglia. So, what would the problem have been?

«If he thinks that I have engaged in cronyism in this program he must say so, not insinuate it – continued Fedez -. If you really want to be a rebel, dear Morgan, and you think that everything is controlled in here, you say these things when you’re in the program, not when they give you a kick in the ass and you leave, because that’s too simple. ». Then he closed it, in front of a frozen studio: «I’m not a rebel: I’m a boy with a small company who works with his mother and with a lawyer but who, to get what he has, has never had to lick his fingers. feet neither to Giorgia Meloni nor to Vittorio Sgarbi. Hello Marco”.

2023-12-01 00:16:02
#Factor #Fedez #replies #Morgan #didnt #lick #feet #Meloni #Sgarbi

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