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Fatah Movement Accuses Hamas of Causing Israel’s Reoccupation of Gaza Strip

The Fatah movement launched a sharp attack on Hamas, accusing it of causing Israel’s reoccupation of the Gaza Strip.

Fatah said in a statement on Friday night, “Whoever caused Israel’s reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, and caused the Nakba that the Palestinian people are experiencing, especially in the Gaza Strip, does not have the right to dictate national priorities.”

Fatah stressed that “the real disconnect from reality and from the Palestinian people is the leadership of the Hamas movement, which has not, until this moment, felt the magnitude of the catastrophe that our oppressed people are experiencing in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Palestinian territories.”

Fatah expressed its “surprise and disapproval at Hamas’ talk of exclusivity and division, and wondered whether Hamas consulted the Palestinian leadership or any Palestinian national party when it made its decision to undertake the adventure of last October 7, which led to a catastrophe more horrific and cruel than the 1948 catastrophe? Did Hamas consult the Palestinian leadership? It is now negotiating with Israel and offering it concessions after concessions.”

Fatah considered that Hamas “has no goal other than for its leadership to receive guarantees for its personal security, and to attempt to reach an agreement with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu again, to maintain its divisive role in Gaza and the Palestinian arena.”

Fatah was responding to a previous joint statement by Hamas, the Jihad Movement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, earlier Friday, in which they objected to assigning Muhammad Mustafa to form a new Palestinian government.

The joint statement stated, “The highest national priority now is to confront the barbaric Zionist aggression and the war of extermination and starvation that the occupation is waging against our people in the Gaza Strip, and to confront the crimes of its settlers in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to the great dangers facing our national cause, most notably the threat of displacement.” Which still exists.”

The statement considered that “making individual decisions, and preoccupation with formal steps devoid of substance, such as forming a new government without national consensus, is a reinforcement of the policy of exclusivity and a deepening of division, at a pivotal historical moment, when our people and their national cause are most in need of consensus and unity, and the formation of a unified national leadership.” “It is preparing to hold free, democratic elections with the participation of all components of the Palestinian people.”

The statement added: “These steps demonstrate the depth of the crisis among the authority’s leadership, its separation from reality, and the large gap between it and our people, their concerns and aspirations, which is confirmed by the opinions of the vast majority of our people who have expressed their loss of confidence in these policies and trends.”

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The four movements continued: “Our people have the right to question the feasibility of replacing one government with another, and one prime minister with another, from the same political and partisan environment.”

The statement continued: “In light of the Palestinian Authority’s insistence on continuing its policy of exclusivity and ignoring all national efforts for Palestinian reunification and unity in the face of aggression against our people, we express our rejection of the continuation of this approach, which has harmed our people and our national cause.”

The statement called on “the sons of our people and their living forces to raise their voices loudly and confront this tampering with the present and future of our cause and the interests of our people and their national rights. We also call on all national forces and factions, especially the brothers in the Fatah movement, to take serious and effective action, in order to agree on the management of this historical and pivotal stage, in a manner that It serves our national cause and fulfills the aspirations of our people to seize their legitimate rights, liberate their land and sanctities, and establish their independent, fully sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

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2024-03-15 21:58:47

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