Home » today » Entertainment » Farmers Cause Chaos at Carrefour Nîmes Étoile Ahead of International Agricultural Show: Traders Unite in Face of Continuous Attacks

Farmers Cause Chaos at Carrefour Nîmes Étoile Ahead of International Agricultural Show: Traders Unite in Face of Continuous Attacks

Waste left in front of all the entrance doors, shopping carts in single file on the roundabout which provides access to the shopping center: this Friday morning, the Carrefour Nîmes Étoile was once again the target of farmers, mobilized for a action surprise 24 hours before the start of the International Agricultural Show in Paris.

On the site, the traders say they are united, but suffer : on several occasions already, this shopping center has been targeted by farmers for a month.

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The 23/02/2024

VIDEO – Farmers mobilized in Nîmes

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2024-02-24 06:01:56
#VIDEO #Carrefour #Nîmes #Étoile #targeted #farmers #France #Blue

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