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Faculty of Medicine, CMU warns of PM 2.5 dust and children’s nosebleeds during February-April, causes revealed

Faculty of Medicine, CMU, warns to be careful of PM 2.5 dust during February-April of every year, along with revealing what causes children’s nosebleeds.

March 13, 2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kannika Rungroj Watthanasiri Head of the Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, CMU. Revealed that during February-April Every year, the upper northern region is faced with the problem of small dust particles or PM 2.5 that exceeds the standard Affecting public health Especially at-risk groups include young children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases. Symptoms that are often encountered are red eyes, rashes on various parts of the body, and rhinitis. and nosebleeds This is another symptom that parents bring their children to see the doctor most often.

As for the cause of children’s nosebleeds during periods of high PM 2.5 dust levels, the Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, CMU, has conducted a study together with medical students. Find the relationship between the incidence of nosebleeds in outpatients and emergency rooms. Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital with dust values ​​having a diameter of less than 2.5 microns during periods of small dust particles or PM 2.5. It was found that PM 2.5 dust values ​​were significantly related to the number of patients who came to the hospital with symptoms of nosebleeds. Normally, the mucosa in the nose has a lot of blood coming to it. If PM2.5 dust is inhaled, it will cause inflammation of the lining of the nasal passages. and stimulates blood to bleed more easily Especially young children are more likely to have nosebleeds than adults.

When found to have a nosebleed Lower your head and use your hands to squeeze the wings of both noses together. Hold for about 5 minutes, it may help to stop the initial bleeding. If blood flows down your throat, spit it out. This will help prevent blood from blocking the airway and also help assess the amount of blood that has come out. But if you press on the nose wing, after releasing it, a large amount of blood still flows out. or one-sided nosebleed along with pain stuffy nose on that side A lump in the nasal cavity may be suspected. You should immediately see a doctor for further diagnosis.

It was also found that During the period when the PM 2.5 dust value exceeds the standard value Patients with allergic rhinitis Often symptoms worsen Therefore, during times when PM 2.5 dust levels are high, you should wear a face mask that can protect against PM 2.5 dust. Avoid doing outdoor activities during periods with a lot of dust. And you should rinse your nose with saline water because it will help wash away dust, flakes, or mucus.

2024-03-13 12:57:01
#Faculty #Medicine #CMU #warns #careful #dust #reveals #childrens #nosebleeds

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