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Factors other than diet affect blood sugar

(PLO)- Not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep, being sedentary, … can affect your blood sugar.

Theo NDTV, Diabetes is a chronic condition in which diabetics must follow interventions to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Diet is often considered the main factor affecting a person’s blood sugar levels. Many people often eliminate certain food groups from their diet when diagnosed with diabetes. But there are several other factors that affect a person’s blood sugar.

Not drinking enough water can affect blood sugar levels. Photo: Shutterstock

To help you manage your diabetes effectively, below are the factors that can lead to fluctuations in your blood sugar.


Your sleep cycle affects a number of bodily processes including your blood sugar levels.

According to studies, sleep deprivation can affect glucose control and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes. Sleep deprivation can also trigger other factors like stress that worsen your blood sugar. Therefore, it is essential to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

Stress level

Stress is more harmful than you think. Uncontrolled stress puts you at higher risk for a number of serious health conditions. Poor blood sugar can also be the result of stress incontinence.

Stress stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol. The release of these two hormones when approached can raise blood sugar levels.

Level of physical activity

When you are not physically active, your blood sugar can rise. This is why regular exercise is an essential element in diabetes management. But you need to be very careful when exercising with diabetes. Strenuous exercise without professional guidance can lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar.

People with diabetes should build an exercise routine gradually with the help of a professional.


Drinking less water can harm your blood sugar. When you drink less water, your blood sugar becomes more concentrated, which is known as hyperglycemia. Therefore, people with diabetes should drink enough water or other natural calorie-free beverages.

Some drugs

Some over-the-counter medications can help treat health problems but can negatively impact your blood sugar. Therefore, people with diabetes should always consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication. NDTV.

Signs that you are not eating enough protein

Signs that you are not eating enough protein

(PLO)- Lack of protein in your diet can lead to weakness, fatigue, and muscle loss.


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