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Extraordinary police deployment after the terrorist threat from ISIS

The Government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, will deploy additional reinforcement of the security device announced for the two days of matches in the knockout rounds of the Champions League due to the alert levels determined by the intelligence services and the forces. of state security.

“The two games on consecutive days, of course, represent an enormous challenge, which we have already overcome before and with flying colors. Now we are working to make it like this again between today and tomorrow,” he highlighted after the security meeting, which was held after learning of the alleged threat from the Islamic State on the Champions League matches.

Thus, he stressed that the Delegation is going to carry out an extraordinary security deployment for the double event of the Champions League, in accordance “with the alert levels determined by the intelligence services and the State security forces and bodies.”

This implies an additional reinforcement of the device that had already been announced and will lead to an increase in police resources, both the National Police and the Civil Guard, as well as the security and emergency services of the Madrid City Council.

Specifically, the Government Delegation in Madrid will activate a security device made up of 1,275 troops for the first leg of the UEFA Champions League quarterfinals that will be played on Wednesday, April 10, between Atlético de Madrid and Borussia Dortmund, at the Cívitas Metropolitano stadium, starting at 9:00 p.m.

This is how they live the alert in London

“The level of terrorist threat in the UK remains ‘considerable’, meaning an attack is likely, and we are working closely with colleagues across Counter Terrorism Police in planning for events. here in London, to take into account any relevant information that may help us keep attendees safe. We are aware of reports appearing on the Internet and in the media regarding calls to attack matches across Europe and here in London. However, I want to reassure the public that we have a robust policing plan in place for tonight’s match and that we continue to work closely with the club’s security team to ensure the match goes off peacefully. “As always, we ask the public to remain vigilant and if they see anything that does not look or feel right to report it to the police or security staff,” said Ade Adelekan, London Metropolitan Police.

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