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Explosions shake Serbian town of Cacak, weapons factory on fire (photos / video)

A series of powerful explosions shook the Sloboda munitions factory in the Serbian town of Cacak last night, the first blast was around 1:30 a.m. and lasted until early in the morning, the Novosti newspaper reported.

At that time, there were about 60 workers in the factory, but all are in a safe place. About 30 citizens and residents were evacuated. The gas and electricity of the factory are excluded.

The strongest explosion erupted at 3:20 a.m. and shook literally the entire city. Another powerful explosion followed at 3:22 p.m.

According to unofficial information, a warehouse with artillery shells was first set on fire and then the fire spread to other warehouses.

Ambulances were sent to the scene, but they could not approach the factory for security reasons. There is an unbearable smell in the city, a Novosti reporter reported from the place.

The material damage is great, only ash will remain from the factory, the newspaper estimates.

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