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Excessive consumption of this food would increase the risk of cancer in particular of the colorectal and prostate

Cancer is one of the most terrible diseases that can affect humans. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet discovered the causes that lead to the development of cancer. However, numerous studies have found that some foods can favor the onset of this pathology. A British study of nearly half a million people revealed which food, if consumed in excess, would increase the risk of contracting cancer.

According to the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, on average 1,000 people a day get cancer. Bad habits and a bad diet increase the risk of contracting this pathology. For example, AIRC, the International Association for Cancer Research, has warned from excessive consumption of some types of meat processed with preservatives.

The fight against cancer and its prevention go through two paths, a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle habits. For example, a study of British doctors verified how a particular physical activity could help to more effectively counteract the effects of esophageal cancer.

Excessive consumption of this food would increase the risk of cancer in particular of the colorectal and prostate

English medicine is very active in research on cancer and how to reduce the risk of contracting this terrible disease. One studio involving over 470,000 people for 11 years, made a very interesting discovery. To try to understand more about the origins of cancer, doctors looked at multiple aspects of each of the patients. The research took into consideration the physical characteristics, the lifestyle, the socio-economic status, the drugs taken, the diet of each one. The study aimed to understand if some factors more than others could influence the risk of cancer.

By comparing data from more than 472,000 patients, doctors found that reducing weekly meat consumption could lower the risk of cancer. Eating less red meat would reduce the risk of contracting cancer in particular of the colorectal, prostate and even breast. Those used to large weekly quantities of meat had a higher risk of cancer than vegetarians or those who ate mostly fish. Even those who ate meat to a moderate extent had a 2% lower risk of contracting cancer than those who consumed in excess.

According to estimates by the Global Burden of Disease Project, an average of 50,000 people worldwide die of cancer from meat abuse every year. Medicine advises against excessive consumption of this food by suggesting not to eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week. It is also advisable to reduce processed meats, such as cured meats and sausages, as much as possible.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)-

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