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Everything you wanted to know about Indiana Jones (and had no one to ask)

VALENCIA. Those who were children and adolescents in the seventies and eighties are the largest segment of the population in Spain. In the United States, the balance is much greater. What does this mean? Well, in Spain all the remakes, sequels and paraphernalia that allude to icons of that time, such as superheroes, have the upper hand in the market. It is not surprising that, after the visceral rejection that occurred in the 90s to everything that had to do with the 80s, since 1997 there has been a revival which has become longer than the decade itself.

It still continues to wage war and the reason is obvious, the nostalgic people of those years, those who lived through it, are consumers with purchasing power. More, at least, than the new generations. For these reasons, fundamentally, the rattle that occurs with our bullshit is hellish. Now comes a mini-series about Spice Girls. Good luck with it, but surely its impact will have nothing to do next to, for example, the premiere Indiana Jones 5, the end of the saga as it was originally conceived, in five installments instead of three. Prepare for all pesaos of the EGB discuss whether the latter are better or worse than those of their time, when all this was field.

To open your mouth, the premiere is expected in 2023, this year a book loaded with ammunition has come out for that series of debates and discussions. Those generations more concerned about the size of the Batcave than about the square meters of their own home can argue about aspects of popular culture until they come to blows. In this case, the book is titled In the footsteps of Indiana Jones, and it is the work of Salva Rubio, comic book scriptwriter, such as the acclaimed The Mauthausen Photographer

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The work is an approach from all points of view to the figure of the adventurous archaeologist and the mythology and symbolism that surrounded every detail of the films. Personally, the most interesting part has been the one related to the filming. Now it is unlikely that George Lucas went to Hawaii to escape the premiere of Star Wars because he thought it was going to be a failure that would completely sink his career. There, on the beach, with his friend Steven Spielberg, which came from shooting Encounters in the third phase, they commented on the possibility of taking to the cinema a hero inspired by the series of the 30s, precursors of the series, that took the public to see each week the next installment of medium-length films that ended with a suspense scene. They also wanted a movie without special effects, only with stunts, to return to the old spirit.

Initially, it was to be called Indiana Smith. That was the name of Lucas’s dog and that was the name of the common American. When Spielberg got on with it, he was down too. His comedy 1941 it hadn’t worked. They did not even want him in the production company, but Lucas insisted in exchange for signing large compensation if they did not meet the deadlines. It is interesting that for storyboards, among others, was Jim Steranko, famous for Nick Furia, which was the one who gave the character his famous aesthetic.

To give the replicas to Indi, in the casting to Karen Allen they asked him if he knew how to spit. The title role was intended for the great Tom Selleck, one of the most iconic mustaches in history, but he already had everything signed to shoot the series Magnum PI that took him to the top as well. Jeff Bridges He was also in the shortlist, but turned down the role. Think now about The Note in Search of the Lost Ark It is a maximum descojono. In the end they resorted to Harrison Ford, although Lucas did it reluctantly, because he did not want him to become his fetish actor, as he was From Niro from Scorssesseexplains Rubio.

The shootings that were made in La Rochelle were with the original submarine of the film The boat, who rented it. In the scenes with snakes they had problems with the daughter of Stanley Kubrick, who denounced them for animal abuse. Since six thousand snakes were not enough, they added lengths of hose to the ground. As a guide for the curious, in a relief, while Indy enters some galleries, nothing less than R2-D2 and C-3PO appear, but the best anecdote of all is that of the swordsman. It was supposed to be a fight between the two, but the actor did not learn the choreography and Spielberg just said “Let’s shot the fucker“And that’s how that immortal scene came out that at times has served to illustrate the game of the Spanish team. In total, the first installment of Indy, In search of the Lost Ark, grossed $ 367 million and won four Oscars.

Al Cursed temple, the next, gracefully came down again. Lucas had been divorced and it had cost him a fortune. He was shedding his companies and needed liquidity. Spielberg was better off this time, having triumphed with E.T.. According to the author, that a director of a ball deigned to direct the sequel was very strange. The normal thing was to consider them by-products, as had happened in Sharkbut for whatever it was here he got down in the mud.

This much darker installment, with enslaved children and a sect that ate monkey brains. So much so that, on paper, the scriptwriter of the Lost ark, Larry Kasdan, he refused to work with such distasteful material. Lucas and Spielberg chose Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz, who were already in the sights of the author of E.T. to shoot the biopic of the inventor of the toilet. Project of which we know little but which would not have been without interest.

During filming, Harrison was injured by the elephants, which were his idea, and Spielberg had to call for help over the phone to change the script on the fly. to his friend John Millius. In the end it raised 333 million, but it was below Ghostbusters and Superdetective in Hollywood. In the moral surge of that time of the very moralistic American people, they lined up the film because together with others like Gremlins it offered scenes that were not recommended for children – depending on their mentality, the kids loved them.

From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Spielberg’s constant refusals to touch on the subject of ghosts are amusing so as not to step on the other saga he produced, Poltergeist. Now he was the one facing an expensive divorce and in need. They managed to convince Sean ConneryNot without making his character a friendlier guy, and they went to shoot in Almería and Mallorca. This time, with the bugs, they made it better. They bought a thousand rats and let them breed to five thousand. The collection, however, was not as strong. He made 195 million, but only had ahead of him Batman from Tim Burton. The book then focuses on the series Young Indiana Jones, which we also saw on television here, and the symbolism of each object that appears in the saga. A compendium for fans who are already old enough to take their children to the cinema to see these types of films.

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