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“Everyone collapses under pressure”: hard feelings in Hapoel Tel Aviv

Hard feelings flooded the Hapoel Tel Aviv team yesterday (Monday) after they lost 2:0 to Hapoel Jerusalem. Yossi Abouxis recorded a seventh game as a coach and a seventh without a goal, only this time, unlike the last three games, the defense also failed to fulfill its mission – to keep a clean sheet. “It looks different in training and then in the game, maybe because of the pressure we stop and forget everything we worked on in training,” said one of the players at the end.

At the end of the games, the players boarded the bus back to the Khodorov complex, without the coach talking to them at the end, when this time there were no angry fans waiting for them in the complex either, not something that prevented the players from being so angry about the way the game was played and the result: “There are no players and staff here with balls. Everyone Collapse under pressure. No player looks good, everyone is stressed, everyone lacks confidence, can’t score a goal, again early substitutions that don’t really change the course of the game but do lower the confidence even more that we don’t have anyway.”

“Yossi was a player, he knows what it is. A football player without confidence is not the same player,” shared one of the players and another added, “We are the same players who gave four to Hapoel Pat and three to Ashdod. What happened to us all of a sudden that we can’t pass? The whole game, everyone is busy going back to the defense and forgets that in order to win, you also have to take care of the attack.”

“Poor the fans. Every game they come and give a show, they expect us to give one too and we do the exact opposite,” they sadly concluded in the dressing room, “We need the fans very much, we need them to be our backs. A rejection on their part will add more pressure and more difficulty to the players certain. This is also what Emilius Zubas went to tell them at the end, that we owe them to give us security.”

Poor fans (Bernie Ardov)

The goalkeeper was also involved in a loud argument that arose between him and Hisham Laios after the second goal and in the dressing room they explain: “Both Zobas and Laios know that they made a mistake in the second goal and that’s why they were nervous and that’s why they took out frustration on each other like that. Tomorrow morning they will hug each other in training and forget about it , emotions of a game, the pressure exists and affects everyone and this is just another example.”

Beyond the frustration with the ability, there was also nervousness over what at least some of the club’s people claimed was supposed to be a penalty to Hapoel Tel Aviv: “Tsibota is convinced that it was a penalty, he claims that he sprained his ankle. From the videos you can see that there was contact, but even during the game no one did too much Noise or commotion on the pitch around it, no one pressured the referees to check, at least let them go check!” They said in the professional team and added, “But when nothing goes wrong, then even such cases do not go in our favor.”

“Young players don’t understand how much this season can be a stain on their career,” said the professional team at the end, “today they received the last blow that will leave us all no choice but to kill ourselves for the next games. Two wins and we’ll be done with it. Only by force, only by disgust” .

And it seems that there are also administrative problems. Yesterday the management of Hapoel Tel Aviv was informed that their business license had expired because they forgot, or did not bother to renew it at the time specified by law, which gives the police the authority to immediately close the training complex. Before the law, it was decided by the police to come to the club and give the Reds until Sunday to complete the tests and documents required to renew the license without harming the club’s activities.

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