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Escape from Tarkov – so you come in and out

in the last article to Escape from Tarkov I have described to you that this game is incredibly difficult and that many beginners throw in the towel relatively quickly. So that you can get in and out of the maps well in Tarkov, I have put together here how it worked best for me.

Before it begins

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again and again. Escape from Tarkov (EFT for short) is currently in the beta phase. Bugs, crashes, bad matchmaking times and the like are part of everyday life. The really difficult thing about the game is rather what is going on when the technology behind it works smoothly. As in most other shooters, you just have to go through the first levels in Tarkov and eat your way up to have fun with the game and proper equipment. You will now receive a collection of methods and tips from me that will make your start easier and that will make it easier to persevere in the first levels.

It’s dangerous to go allone

The community around EFT is growing almost daily and both on Facebook diverse groups as well on one way or another Discord server there are enough players to find a buddy for your forays. Most of them are experienced players, the community is very helpful and happy to help Newbs. When strolling with colleagues, be sure to have special features of the maps, weapons and scavs explained to you.

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Maps, routes, exits

If you want to be successful as quickly as possible, you cannot avoid one of the most important elements – map knowledge. Knowing within a second of the spawn where you are, where you have to go and how to get there, when and where opponents spawn and in which area the matter is, decides in EFT about life and death at the start of a raid, as well Success or failure of your quests. To get this knowledge, as mentioned in the previous section, you can go out with friends and have the maps explained to you, or you can start the maps in offline mode and get to know them. Of course, a few YouTube explainers like the good TotallyAcro also help:

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I learned it the hard way, I just went in with the map on a separate screen and got to know the map. Live. In color. Mostly in red. Don’t.

Guns, ammunition and money

From the beginning I did everything right for myself, bought nothing but medical supplies and ammunition and saved my money. Because at the beginning you don’t have the flea market, you can’t build all kinds of internet builds for your weapons and you don’t know which weapons are good or not. The latter of course depends very much on the style of play, because in Escape from Tarkov the weapon is only a means of distributing projectiles. The real damage is caused by the ammunition. There are plenty of these in EFT in various calibers and with different properties. In the beginning you buy something, but it is better to deal with it and before you buy such tables to wallow. It looks complicated, it is, but in an emergency it can mean the difference between taking your equipment away and looting home.

Pay attention to the stats

Your energy meter is at 30%? Is your fluid requirement only 8% covered? Your right leg is broken and the blood runs out of your stomach? These and similar things can happen to you in EFT and it is very likely that you will die if you ignore these stats. Eating and drinking, packing medis and provisions before the raid is just as important in this game as the correct loading and ammunition of your weapons. If you neglect one of the two you are dead. The game doesn’t like its players and you should do everything it takes to defy it.

Survive, quest, level

In exactly that order I have above Escape from Tarkov got to know. First you fight for survival, then for loot, later for quests and then for the player level. Needless to say, Tarkov wins the respective fights more often than you. My advice here is step by step. First, take the fight to survive and find exits. The dealer then accepts quests and if you can, complete them with friends. This increases your level relatively quickly, you get access to the flea market and can sell your loot there and stock up on weapons. It’s a tough one by then, but once you get it, this game finally feels like what makes it special. After a really heavy, very tactical but brutally good harcore shooter.

Playing tactically saves your life

Since we just got it from tactics. There are two vital tips that I can give you for free. Take on as few battles as possible at the beginning, don’t overestimate the range and accuracy of your mouse hand (this is especially true for the Hardcore Battlefield and COD Sniper!), And take your damn time. EFT tempts you with its relative maps to sprint and run into the hotspots with a loud roar. Especially at the beginning, however, it is important that you deal with the controls and know, for example, how you can continuously regulate your movement mode and thus the volume of your movements. Every sound you produce can cost you your life in EFT. As a scav you have enough time on the maps to move slowly, with breaks and strenuous listening from the spawn to the exit. Use that!

It is also important to start with that you always walk through your map with very open eyes. On many cards, for example, sniper bots sit on ridges and are just waiting to shoot shy deer out of the undergrowth. But even players can sometimes be easily pulled off their feet if you have an open eye and a damp trigger finger on the steps to buildings or the paths to large loot boxes.

Know Your Gear

After more than 10 levels in the game, I only learned that you can hold your breath, for example when aiming with the left ALT key, and that some riflescopes have a variable zoom. If you have this knowledge from the beginning, for example by watching a few YouTube clips, you have the advantage over those who refrain from familiarizing themselves with it.

It is also important to have a look at where you are and what firing mode your weapon is in. For example, if you are traveling in narrow cellars and are surprised when looting, it is bad if your AK-47 with thermal visor and expensive ammunition is not on constant fire. The other way around, you stroll through the forest with the pinch and compete against a sniper, should you have your weapon in single fire. Some target devices have multiple modes and can be switched, which would also be important to consider in the raid. So always keep a clear head and overview of your equipment. P.s .: InGame headsets save lives ???? – this game is so much about sounds that are superbly and really excitingly implemented. Be quiet and listen carefully!

Quick in, quick out

So let’s summarize. Familiarization with weapons, controls, settings and equipment is just as essential as tactical play and clever monitoring of stats. Saving money, tearing off many scav-rounds and getting to know the game are the most important tips. Having a coffee with friends is currently rather stupid, but going on a raid with friends is a smart move.

Do you have any questions? Escape from Tarkov? Then she hits me in the comments!

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