Home » today » Business » Erick Thohir was offered to be the director of InJourney, this person thought for 3 months

Erick Thohir was offered to be the director of InJourney, this person thought for 3 months


Maya Watono was officially inaugurated today as Marketing Director of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney. InJourney itself is a tourism and supporting BUMN holding that was just formed yesterday in Lombok.

Maya herself is not a random person, she was previously the CEO of Dentsu Aegis Network. It is a multinational advertising agency company or a giant advertising company in Indonesia.

Maya also admitted that it was necessary to carry out quite heavy considerations before finally taking on the challenge offered by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.

“From myself, it’s actually been quite a long journey. I thought it might have been 3 months until I finally said yes,” he said in a virtual press conference, Friday (1/14/2022).

The consideration was heavy because Maya herself was so attached to Dentsu. He admitted that he had worked at the company for 15 years to build a career to reach his current position.

“So it’s like a family. But this is a very big opportunity and a very big challenge and very interesting if this happens,” he added.

Indeed, Maya admits that one of the reasons she took Erick’s offer was because she considered that there was a big and interesting challenge in the field InJourney. Because tourism BUMN holding is something new in Indonesia with the challenge of integrating many different sectors.

“This is a long road to create but it will be extraordinary for our country. I am challenged to give more to the country, this is a serve purpose, no longer financial, position or career,” he said.


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